Department of Mathematics - Courses

Introductory Courses100-Level200-Level
MATH 014  |  Pre & Introductory Algebra  |  5 Credits

This is a one-semester course that combines Pre-Algebra and Introduction to Algebra. This course begins by covering operations on whole numbers, fractions, ratios & proportions, decimals, percents, and signed numbers. Then, the course will introduce algebraic expressions, solving linear equations & inequalities in one variable, graphing linear equations & inequalities in two variables, and linear systems of equations & inequalities in two variables. Successful completion of Pre & Introductory Algebra prepares students for Intermediate Algebra.

MATH 100|Intermediate Algebra|3 Credits

Polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, rational exponents and radicals, and quadratic equations and inequalities. The second in a two- course sequence covering basic algebra skills and concepts, this course assumes that the student already has a background in real numbers and variable expressions, solving equations and inequalities, linear functions and inequalities in two variables, and systems of equations and inequalities. Intermediate Algebra builds on that background and covers operations on polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, rational exponents and radicals, and quadratic inequalities. Successful completion of Intermediate Algebra prepares a student for College Algebra. A Texas Instruments graphing calculator (non-symbolic) is required for this course.
Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in either MATH 011 or MATH 013, or a grade of “A” in MATH 012, or Placement.

MATH 101|College Algebra|4 Credits

Covers real numbers, algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, graphs and transformations of graphs, functions and properties of functions, systems of equations and linear programming, exponential and logarithmic functions, and complex numbers. A Texas Instruments graphing calculator (non-symbolic) is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 100 or Placement

MATH 102|Liberal Arts Mathematics|3 Credits

This course is designed for students in liberal arts programs and other fields that do not require a core of mathematics. Topics covered include introductions to logic, sets, counting and combinatorics, elementary probability and statistics, and geometry. Additional topics(s) which may be covered include introductions to finance, voting and apportionment, number systems and number theory, graphing theory, exponential growth and decay, logarithmic scales, matrices and Markov chains, and linear programming. A Texas Instruments graphing calculator (or equivalent) is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 100 or Placement

MATH 103|College Trigonometry|3 Credits

Covers trigonometric functions, identities, graphs, trigonometric equations, radian measure, complex numbers, polar coordinates, solving triangles and applications. High school or college plane geometry background is recommended. This course is offered every fall semester. A Texas Instruments graphing calculator (non-symbolic) is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 101

MATH 207|Statistics|3 Credits

Descriptive statistics, sampling, elementary probability, probability distributions, estimation and an introduction to statistical inference. Students will work with applications from a variety of academic disciplines. A Texas Instruments graphing calculator (non-symbolic) is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 101

MATH 215|Applied Calculus I|3 Credits

Single variable calculus involving functions, limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, exponential growth and decay and an introduction to integration. This course in not intended for students who plan to study mathematics or engineering. This course is offered every spring semester. A Texas graphing calculator (non-symbolic) is required for this course. This course is offered every spring semester.
Prerequisites: MATH 101

MATH 221|Calculus and Analytic Geometry I|5 Credits

This course is the first in the calculus sequence. This course consists of the review of functions and graphs, limits, the definition of the derivative, differentiation and its various techniques, application of the derivative, and an introduction to the definite and indefinite integral. Designed to provide students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics related fields with a strong background in the fundamentals of analysis. A Texas Instruments TI-84, or TI-89 graphing calculator is required for this course.
Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 103 and MATH 104 or an ACT math score higher than 23 and the recommendation of the Mathematics Department.

MATH 222|Calculus and Analytic Geometry II|5 Credits

This course is a continuation of MATH 221: Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, and is designed to provide students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics related fields with a strong background in techniques and applications of integration, the algebra and calculus of parametric equations and polar coordinates, and infinite sequences and series. A Texas Instruments TI-84, or TI-89 graphing calculator is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 221.

MATH 223|Calculus and Analytic Geometry III|3 Credits

A continuation of Calculus and Analytic Geometry II that is designed to provide students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields with a strong background in the techniques and applications of vectors, three dimensional vector geometry, the algebra and calculus of vector functions, continuity, differentiability, and extremum values of functions of several variables, directional derivatives, gradient vectors, Lagrange multipliers, and double integrals over general regions the plane. A Texas Instruments TI-84, or TI-89 graphing calculator is required for this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 222.

MATH 226|Introduction to Linear Algebra|3 Credits

This course will cover the fundamentals of linear algebra including matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, reduction to diagonal form, determinants, vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and applications. A Texas Instruments TI-84, TI-89 graphing calculator or equivalent is required for this course.
Prerequisite: C or better in Math 221, Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, or equivalent.

MATH 227|Differential Equations|3 Credits

This course will cover the definitions and terminology of differential equations, initial value problems, first-order differential equations, modeling with differential equations, and linear and nonlinear models. A Texas Instruments TI-84, TI-89 graphing calculator or equivalent is required for this course.
Prerequisite: “C” or better in Math 221, Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, or equivalent

MATH 240|High Power Rocketry|3 Credits

Students will assist in the construction, testing, pre-launch, launch, and recovery procedures of one or more advanced high power rockets as a team. They will do preliminary analysis of realtime GPS data, and digital altimeter data to illustrate kinematical concepts (position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk). Students will model the flight path and flight dynamics of these rocket designs with rocket simulator software, and compare the actual to the predicted flight patterns. This is an advanced, hands on engineering project that is only open to students interested in pursuing a mathematically intensive Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics degree program.
Prerequisite: MATH 221 or concurrent enrollment.

MATH 245|Introduction to Radio Controlled Remote Sensing Helicopters and Aircraft|1 Credit

Students will participate in the construction, testing, flight, and repair of a radio controlled helicopter and an airplane built for remote sensing purposes. We will fly the helicopter and airplane with test payloads, crash them, repair them, develop flight paths and procedures, and finally, fly them with cameras and video recorders on board. Students will do preliminary analysis of realtime GPS data, and digital altimeter data to illustrate kinematical concepts (position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk). This is an advanced, hands-on engineering project that is only open to students interested in pursuing a mathematically intensive Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics degree program.
Prerequisite: MATH 221 or concurrent enrollment.

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