A.A. Social Work

Associate of Arts, Social Work

The social work program uses a strengths based empowerment approach when instructing and advising social work students to become scholars and leaders to their tribal nations. Students are encouraged to learn basic research methods and begin critically reflecting upon their writing and framework.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the time a student has completed the required social work courses, he or she will be able to:

  1. Describe the profession of social work, including its history and value base and the impact of this history on communities of culture and color
  2. Describe the role of a generalist social worker within the social welfare system
  3. Identify the importance of diversity and research based practice
  4. Identify professional social work education requirements
  5. Discuss the theories of causality, the addiction process, and prevention and treatment efforts

Admission, Retention, Graduation Requirements

Students who are working towards their Associate of Arts (AA) degree or who wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree can elect social work as their emphasis area. There are no admission requirements to get into the social work program, however students do need to meet continuation standards as set forth by the university to maintain enrollment, i.e., satisfactory academic and social standing. To remain in the program, students must maintain good academic standing and follow degree requirements. The basic degree requirements are similar to those required by other emphasis areas, students must take the all general education courses such as English, mathematics, and psychology, however to earn an emphasis in social work, the recommended emphasis courses are more stringent. Completing these requirements at Haskell improves the likelihood of admission into a school of social work elsewhere. Extensive research has been conducted to ensure all social work courses are transferable to other institutions. To be awarded an AA in social work students must take the specified courses as indicated on the degree checklist (60-62 credit hours, see degree checklist).

Please visit our degree checklist page

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