A.S. Community Health

Associate of Science, Community Health

The Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Science (HSES) encourages students to lead a healthy and active lifestyle by offering academic and experiential learning opportunities focused on health literacy, technical and tactical sport strategies, and the culture of exercise. Academic courses and internship experiences provides students with opportunities to work with others, understand the importance of putting forth maximum effort in completing a task, and to appreciate the importance of being resilient in their daily livers. The HSES will be a leader in promoting quality of life for American Indians and Alaska Natives through academic instruction, experiential learning opportunities, research, and services. The mission of the Health, Sport and Exercise Science degree programs are to academically prepare students for transferability into baccalaureate programs, as well as obtain career success. The Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Science HSES currently offers two Associate of Science degrees. One degree is in Community Health. Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates will be able to create an individualized fitness plan.
  2. Graduates will be able to integrate wellness information for personal health awareness.
  3. Graduates will be able to analyze coping strategies for stressful situations.

Academic Plan This academic plan is based on entry into ENGL 101 and MATH 101 in the first semester at Haskell. Freshman Year

Fall Semester (1) Spring Semester (2)
ENGL 101 English I 3 ENGL 102 English II 3
MATH 101 College Algebra 3 BIOL 102 General Biology with lab 5
Historical & Contemporary Indigenous Issues 3 PSYC 101 General Psychology 3
VISQU 101 Vision Quest 1 HSES 160 Nutrition 3
HSES Activity Course (101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108) 1 HSES 204 First Aid 2
HSES 112 Intro to Health, Sport and Exercise Science 3

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester (1) Spring Semester (2)
COMS 131 Public Speaking 3 Multicultural, World, Comparative Issues 3
Historical & Contemporary Indigenous Issues 3 Humanities and the Arts 3
HSES 125 Fitness for Life 2 HSES 246 Stress Management 3
HSES 161 Diabetes and the Native American 3 HSES 264 Internship in Community Health 4
HSES 201 Personal and Community Health 3 HSES Elective (up to 3 hours) 3

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