A.S. Natural Sciences

Natural Sciences faculty members have conducted a variety of research studies on the natural world from vertebrate morphological evolution and fish responses to climate change to soils and native plant cultivation. In addition to teaching, we continuously write grants to fund lab classroom equipment and to fund student research experiences to enhance your science education.

The A.S. Degree in Natural Science is meant to be an introduction to basic science and math, which lays the foundation for later coursework in more advanced scientific topics. The AS degree requires three 5-hour laboratory/lecture courses (15 hours of lab science) as well as the general education requirements. Math requirements for the degree are more rigorous than the general education math requirements. In addition to College Algebra, completion of either Trigonometry or any of the Calculus courses will satisfy the math requirements of the AS. Please carefully consult the checklist for more information. We suggest you consult with a science or writing tutor if you are having difficulty in your science classes or with your research papers.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to examine concepts of sustainability and biodiversity to meet environmental challenges and maintain quality of life.
  2. Students will be able to use scientific methods of inquiry to investigate, measure, and analyze environments.
  3. Students will be able to apply mathematical and statistical applications to understand, communicate, and solve environmental problems.
  4. Students will be able to communicate scientific ideas, theories, and observations in oral and written forms.
  5. Students will be able to use the scientific literature to answer questions about the natural world.

Please visit our degree checklist page

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