B.S. Business Admin

Bachelor of Science, Business Administration

The School of Business offers the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with emphases in management and tribal management. The business curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to general principles and practices for students considering a career in management.

Management: The management concentration is a traditional academic study of contemporary management practices and theories common to the management of human, financial, technical, natural, and other resources.

Tribal Management: The tribal management concentration offers the student an academic study of contemporary and historical issues that impact tribal governments.



Respect — We value the American Indian and Alaska Native cultures, languages, and communities; honor ourselves and others; and treat everyone with integrity, tolerance, and dignity.

Commitment – We are dedicated to the success and growth of our students and our programs. We promote the willingness and responsibility to initiate ideas and solutions.

Sovereignty – We honor our past and gain insight into a future of self-determination and autonomy.


The School of Business will be recognized nationally for graduating American Indian and Alaska Native students who distinguish themselves as managers and leaders in the business world and in their service to Indian Country.


The School of Business provides an academically-challenging learning environment, where students develop critical-thinking skills applicable to all areas of business and management, with an emphasis on teamwork, communication, leadership, and ethical decision making. Our students can take on leadership roles to meet the changing needs of today’s global and tribal environments.

All students wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration must seek concurrent acceptance at Haskell as a degree-seeking student. Applications to the business bachelor program are made directly to the School of Business after completing 45 hours of credit. Letters of acceptance must come from both the Haskell’s Office of Admissions and the School of Business. Application forms are available from:

School of Business
Blue Eagle Hall
Haskell Indian Nations University
155 Indian Avenue, #5012
Lawrence, Kansas 66046-4800

Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration

Applicants must satisfy the following to be considered for admission to the Bachelor of Science degree program in Business Administration:

  • Students must be admitted to Haskell Indian Nations University. This requirement applies to continuing Haskell students, readmitted students, and transfer students.
  • Transfer students or students applying for re-admission intending to pursue a baccalaureate degree must first be accepted by a baccalaureate program before they will be accepted by the university.
  • Continuing students must complete a minimum of 45 semester credit hours of university credit to be admitted. Normally an AA degree, or equivalent, satisfies this requirement.
  • Continuing students must be accepted into the program after the completion of 70 credit hours to remain enrolled at Haskell.
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.30.
  • Students must complete English I, English II, and College Algebra or a higher-level Math course with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Students must complete an application portfolio materials submitted to the School of Business in a 9 x 12 envelope:
  • Application form (available from the School of Business);
  • Resume with two reference letters;
  • All official transcripts;
  • A personal essay; and
  • Completed degree checklist from chosen concentration.

Once a completed application portfolio has been submitted and reviewed by the School of Business, a preliminary interview may be requested.

Application deadlines and notification

The School of Business must receive applications by February 15, for fall admission, and September 15, for spring admission. Students are notified in writing of their admission status. If the student is accepted into the program, the School of Business will notify the Office of Admissions, Office of the Registrar, and Financial Aid Office of the student’s acceptance into the Business Administration baccalaureate. Students who wish to appeal their admission status must submit a letter of request within two weeks of notification to the Vice President of Academics.

All students wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration are encouraged to complete the business foundation courses listed below in their first 2 years:

  • ACCT 203 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 204 Managerial Accounting
  • BUS 210 Business Calculus
  • BUS 232 Business/Technical Writing
  • CIS 102 Introduction to Information Processing
  • CIS 250 Advanced Business Applications for Microcomputers
  • ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible to graduate with a business baccalaureate degree, students must have been accepted into the program after completing 30 hours of the program-required course work. Students must have completed all concentration area courses and BUS 451 with a grade of “C” or better. Students are required to maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA for continued study and graduation. Failure to maintain the minimum grade point average may result in dismissal from the baccalaureate program in the School of Business. Students must be in good standing with the University to be eligible to graduate.

Please visit our degree checklist page

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