B.S. Environmental Science

The B.S. degree in Environmental Science provides a comprehensive curriculum that explores the interconnected living and non-living components of the natural world (our environment). Environmental Science is a relatively young scientific field of study that combines tools and knowledge from traditional scientific fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, geology, and hydrology to investigate the components and processes that make up complicated environmental systems like prairies, agro-ecosystems, wetlands, lakes, forests, coastlines and deserts. Our program strives to provide this foundational knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and applied scientific fields that will enable students to understand what is required to sustain these ecosystems upon which we depend. The maintenance of healthy ecosystems supports the ability of Indigenous peoples to sustain healthy communities on tribal lands.

Many courses in this program have both lab and lecture components (5 hours), so that you may apply what you’ve learned in lecture during lab. This will require significant effort, including many hours outside of class writing lab reports, doing independent data collection/analysis in the lab or in the field, and writing papers. To augment your applied science learning, it is highly recommended that you take advantage of the various research internship opportunities available through our department and elsewhere during your undergraduate tenure.

Note that you may apply for the Environmental Science B.S. program prior to obtaining your A.S. or A.A. degree, but your application will be much stronger if you have had significant science and math courses prior to applying.

Program Goals

  1. Graduates of the Environmental Science baccalaureate program will address the environmental needs of their communities.
  2. Graduates of the Environmental Science baccalaureate program will be prepared to pursue professional or graduate education in environmental science or a related field.


  1. Students will be able to examine concepts of sustainability and biodiversity to meet environmental challenges and maintain quality of life.
  2. Students will be able to use scientific methods of inquiry to investigate, measure, and analyze environments.
  3. Students will be able to apply mathematical and statistical applications to understand, communicate, and solve environmental problems.
  4. Students will be able to communicate scientific ideas, theories, and observations in oral and written forms.
  5. Students will be able to use the scientific literature to answer questions about the natural world.

Environmental Science Admission Requirements

Submission of a copy of all official transcripts of all college course work. You must be in “good academic standing” to apply for admission to the program, with a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Your transcripts and application must indicate you have the time and ability to complete the degree program. Send completed application and transcripts to:

Haskell Indian Nations University
Dean of Natural & Social Sciences, SQ 129
Attn: Environmental Science Program, SQ 123
155 Indian Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66046-4800

Students are notified in writing regarding acceptance into the Environmental Science Baccalaureate (Bachelor of Science) degree program Acceptance into the Environmental Science Program does not guarantee acceptance into Haskell Indian Nations University. Students must apply separately to the Office of Admissions, 785-749-8454. E-Mail: admissions@haskell.edu.

Environmental Science Graduation Program Requirements

Required for graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science:

  • GPA in 300-400 level courses
  • 49 credit hours of required courses
  • At least 24 elective credit hrs. of 300-400 level courses in BIOL, CHEM, GEOG, ENVS, NATRS, or PH

Please visit our degree checklist page

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