Communications Department - Courses

COMS 131|Public Speaking|3 Credits

Public Speaking is an introductory class in rhetoric and public address, emphasizing the practical demonstration of public communication skills, including topic selection and audience adaptation, research, message organization, effective delivery, incorporation of technology and multi-media, apprehension reduction, and informative and persuasive speaking strategies.
Prerequisite: ENG 101 or concurrent enrollment.

COMS 151|Speech Communications|3 Credits

This course is an introduction to human communication theory with practice in developing speaking skills in the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and public communication contexts. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or concurrent enrollment
Prerequisite: ENG 101 or concurrent enrollment.

COMS 226|Interpersonal Communications*|3 Credits

Because we are challenged, as never before, to create and maintain healthy relationships with others, this course focuses on the goal of increasing our interpersonal communication skills. The course will emphasize concepts, contexts, and skills with the aim of improving personal interaction in all facets of life.
Prerequisite: COMS 131 or 151

COMS 246|Intercultural Communications*|3 Credits

An examination of the theoretical and practical relationship between culture and communication behavior in a variety of communication contexts (settings), with emphasis on: cultural identity formation, belonging to multiple cultures, racism and prejudice, and intercultural communicative competence in perception, verbal and nonverbal codes. Projects and readings explore strategies for effective cross-cultural communication between and among cultural groups.
Prerequisite: COMS 131 or 151

COMS 276|Persuasion and Social Influence|3 Credits

An examination of the theories of persuasion as they apply to everyday communication situations. The course will examine the psychological, social, cultural and the ethical considerations in persuasion and challenge students to analyze, critique, and compose persuasive messages. Research into a contemporary rhetorical issue will form the basis for semester long research and writing.
Prerequisite: COMS 131 or 151

COMS 310|Traditional/Contemporary Native American Rhetoric|3 Credits

This is a course in rhetorical analysis and criticism of traditional and contemporary Native American discourse. This course will examine predominant themes in historical and contemporary Native American oratory while gaining knowledge of and skill in both classical and indigenous rhetorical theory and criticism. In addition, the course will examine how historical context, social and political agendas, and translation impact our understanding and interpretation of Native American oratory. The course challenges students to research traditional and contemporary Native American rhetorical discourse, write critically about it and present their work in a public setting.
Prerequisite: COMS 131 or COMS 151

The 2-year Associate of Arts Emphasis in Speech Communication includes those course marked with an * and 2 additional elective communication courses for a total of 12 hours, in addition to the basic course (Speech Communication or Public Speaking).

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