Creative Writing

The Haskell English Department supports student creative writing through courses, organizations, publications and readings. Faculty who teach the classes are published writers.

Student Publications

Haskell: The English department has published a Haskell collection of creative writings frequently since 1991. The Indian Leader newspaper publishes student writings.

National publications: Students publish regularly in Tribal College Journal, tribal newspapers, literary journals, and newspapers.


Association Writing Programs. All Haskell creative writing students are associate members of the Association Writing Programs organization, which is a national group for college creative writing students and professional writers. Membership includes access to a web site with job information; a bi-monthly publication; and eligibility to enter a student contest.

Wordcraft Writers Circle is an organization for Native students, which pairs beginning writings with mentors. WWC holds annual conferences in Native communities. Students may join the organization, and attend conferences free.  The 2002 conference is on the Haskell campus Sept. 13-15.


Haskell:  Students may volunteer to read for dormitory activity groups, National Poetry Week events at the Haskell library, and other venues.

Community:  Students may read for the Kansas City Writers Place, open mic readings around Lawrence, Wordcraft Circle Conference, and others.


Native Writers’ Poetry and Essay Contest.  An anonymous donor sponsors an annual creative writing contest for Haskell students.

Langston Hughes Contest.  The Lawrence Arts Center and Raven bookstore sponsor an open contest for all residents of Lawrence.


ENGL 120 Creative Writing.  This overview of poetry and fiction writing is open to all students except those who have not passed Basic Composition

ENGL 220 Fiction Writing I.  Students learn about short stories and other creative prose from the point of view of a writer.  They write their own short stories for workshop classes.

ENGL 221 Fiction Writing II.  Advanced fiction writing course.

ENGL 222  Poetry Writing I.  Students write poems for written and oral presentation.  The study the forms poetry takes in English literary and Native tribal traditions.

ENGL 223  Poetry Writing II.  Advanced poetry writing course.

ENGL 333  Environmental Writing.  Upper-division creative writing course centered on themes of nature.  Essays, short stories, and poetry are used as models.  Students study literature of the environment and write their own creative work.

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