
Environmental Science and Humanities Building

Natural Sciences include Biology, Ecology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Natural Resources, and Environmental Sciences. Natural Sciences courses support two associate degrees. (NATURAL SCIENCES, Natural Resources) and a baccalaureate degree in Environmental Science (Bachelor of Science). Natural Science courses provide a broad-based background for a career in environmental and biological fields, as well as the natural resources field.

Environmental Science Baccalaureate Degree Program: The Environmental Science baccalaureate program seeks to equip its graduates with the scientific skills and knowledge to be effective stewards of the natural world. Graduates earning a Bachelor problems and conceptualize the world in an environmentally sound way.

Environmental Science graduates will be able to:

  1. Examine concepts of sustainability and biodiversity to meet environmental challenges and maintain quality of life.
  2. Use scientific methods of inquiry to investigate, measure, and analyze environments.
  3. Apply mathematical and statistical applications to understand, convey to others, and solve environmental problems.
  4. Communicate scientific ideas, theories, and observations in oral and written forms.
  5. Use the scientific literature to answer questions about the natural world.


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