Environmental Science - Courses

ENVS 100|Introduction to Environmental Science|3 Credits

Introduction to growing fields of the environmental sciences. Current thinking and research concerning the impact of industrialization and urbanization on environmental quality and depletion of natural resources; the pollution of air, land surface, water, and the public agencies and policies designed to solve environmental problems in mainstream as well as tribal communities.

ENVS 101|Careers in Science|1 Credit

Science career seminar to acquaint students with the enormous variety of career options available to those with a science degree (BS, MS, PhD). Emphasize guest presentations from Haskell graduates continuing on to graduate school, working for tribes, working for federal/state agencies, or working for the private sector.

ENVS 102|Environmental issues|3 Credits

Exposure of students to issues within the natural environment intended to provide students basic information on environmental sustainability, common to global and therefore, tribal health.
Prerequisite: Taskstream.com 101

ENVS 201  |   Introduction to Soils |  4 Credits

Fundamental chemical, physical and biological and morphological properties of soils; their formation, fertility, and management. Emphasis will be on management problems and solutions. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisite: CHEM 101

ENVS 301|Multicultural Perspective on Sustainable Agriculture|3 Credits

This course will teach methods and principles of sustainable agriculture from multiple perspectives (including indigenous and non-indigenous). Students will learn about modern high-impact agricultural systems as well as historical and more modern approaches to agriculture that are more environmentally sustainable. Students will compare and contrast these different approaches, and take part in informed discussions about the merits of different agricultural practices.
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor

ENVS 310|Geologic History: A Sense of Place|3 Credits

This course describes the geologic history of Earth with particular emphasis on the Continental history of North America. The locations of mineral deposits, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers, rock types, soil types, and the general topography of the land will be connected to this history. The effect of the physical geography on the climates of different locations and on the fauna and flora, which exist there now and existed historically, will be studied. Connections between the geologic history and cultural, economic, and political geographies will be explored and blended together to provide a sense of place and a sense of being.

ENVS 320|Sustaining Watersheds|4 Credits

Utilizing basic geologic concepts as a backdrop, sustainable watersheds is intended to present the morphological development of watersheds, along with the natural hydrologic processes, to better understand ecological sustainability. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisites: ENVS 102

ENVS 330  |   Principles of Ecology  |  3 Credits

Ecology is defined as the study of the relationships between organisms (including people) and between organisms and their environment. This is an upper-level course intended for juniors or seniors. The course will explore ecological concepts at many different scales: from the ecology of the individual organism (autecology) to global ecology. The science of ecology as it is applied to environmental problem-solving will also be focused upon in this course, especially as it relates to natural resource issues that may be confronted by tribal resource managers.
Prerequisites: BIOL 121 and BIOL 122

ENVS 340|Air Quality|3 Credits

This course establishes the history and evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, its composition and structure, the natural cycles that maintain and control the atmosphere, how man-made events affect the atmosphere, how construction affects indoor air, and discusses air quality standards and health related issues as well as legislation, policies, and treaties, such as the Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol.
Prerequisites: CHEM 101 or PSCI 100

ENVS 360|Energy|3 Credits

A look at the sources and uses of energy both in the natural world and for human technology. The science of energy will be integrated into the discussion of the role of energy, sources of energy, efficiency in the use of energy, energy economics, and environmental and social impacts of the use of energy. Special emphasis will be placed on energy and its role with regard to Indian land.

ENVS 386  |   Multicultural Perspective on Sustainable Agriculture in Costa Rico  |   3 Credits

The fifteen-day short course in Costa Rica is designed to follow “Multicultural Perspectives on Sustainable Agriculture”, which is offered in the spring semester. Students will visit ecosystems that include tropical Iowland humid, dry, and montane forests, as well as coral reefs. They will also visit diverse agroecosystems including coffee, jatropha, bananas, ornamental crops, pineapple, rice, tilapia, and cacao and interact with native and non-native farmers of these crops during the course. We will rely primarily on field trips and local guides to learn about tropical biodiversity and Costa Rican agriculture, history and culture (very little time will be spent in a classroom). This course will include service learning projects with different indigenous communities. Students will receive two credit hours for this course.
Prerequisite: ENVS 301

ENVS 394  |   Multicultural Perspectives on Sustainable Agriculture  |  3 Credits

This course will teach methods and principles of sustainable agriculture from multiple perspectives. Students will learn about modern high-impact agricultural systems as well as historical and 80 more modern approaches to agriculture that are more environmentally sustainable. The course is designed to introduce students to a variety of approaches to agriculture through the involvement of farming professionals from tribal communities and non-native communities in the U.S. and Latin America. Students will compare and contrast these different approaches, and take part in informed discussions about the merits of different agricultural practices. A key component of this class is to introduce students from two different universities (Haskell and Purdue University) to each other and get them interacting to jointly address issues of sustainable agriculture while sharing their own perspectives with each other. A small subgroup of students from this class will be attending a separate study abroad course in Costa Rica in which they will have hands-on experience with multiple agricultural operations by both native and non-native farmers in Costa Rica.

ENVS 410|Ecological History of North America and Its People|3 Credits

Lecture and evidence-based discussion course familiarizes students with environmental changes and animal/plant overturns in North American during the past 65 million years and examines causes and results of extinctions and ecological replacement. A background is provided to past ecological patterns specific to North America, including habitats and natural communities now gone or drastically changed, as well as the geographical and clinical causes of past ecological changes. Final two-thirds of course examines how the Pleistocene Ice Ages and humans impacted the continent and its plant and animal life, and how past events and practices relate to the present.
Prerequisites: BIOL 121 and BIOL 122

ENVS 411|Environmental Toxicology|5 Credits

An interdisciplinary approach to problems related to the presence of biologically active substances and potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals in man’s environment. The course covers principles of environmental chemodynamics and toxicology, basic ecological processes, such as biomagnification of hazardous substances in local and nonlocal food webs, foods we eat, nutrient and geochemical cycles, along with environmental protection laws, organic chemistry, and the effects of environmental chemicals on people and ecosystems. Topic areas include: risk assessment; toxicological assessment (epidemiology, human physiology, endocrine and immune systems, and human genetics); endocrine disruptors; pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; air pollution; pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, and fungicides; radionuclides; chemicals used by terrorists; industrial chemicals; plasticizers; household chemicals; chemicals/drugs found in food/ meat/drinking water; mining waste; and hazardous substances on tribal lands. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisite: CHEM 201

ENVS 415|Environmental Science Seminar|1 Credit

A weekly seminar presenting a variety of current environmental science topics. Presenters for the seminar will come from various universities, federal, state, and tribal agencies and non- governmental organizations. On occasion, between presenters, students will discuss readings and other educational materials related to presenters’ topics.

ENVS 440|Integrated Rangeland Planning|3 Credits

An integrated ecosystem approach to practical land management decision making for environmental science concepts. Practical land management applications include domestic livestock, wildlife and/or fisheries habitat and populations, water harvesting, prescribed and wildfire and a myriad of other benefits.

ENVS 450|Aquatic Biology|5 Credits

An overview of aquatic ecosystems and their organisms. Topics include the systematics of aquatic environments (rivers, lakes and wetlands); collecting and identification of major aquatic taxa (fish, microbes, algae, aquatic insects and other aquatic invertebrates); water chemistry and biogeochemical cycles; community structure; and applied topics (invasive species, effects of pollution in aquatic systems, aquatic diversity, biological metrics). Marine systems will be touched upon if there is time. Lecture and Laboratory.
Prerequisites: BIOL 121 and BIOL 122

ENVS 480|Undergraduate Research|3 Credits

Students are required to submit a one-page summary of the research planned to their research sponsor and the chairperson of Natural Science. A detailed five- to ten-page report on the completed work must be submitted to the research sponsor and chairperson of Natural Science the Friday before final examinations. A 10-15 minute presentation (or poster) of the completed research must be given to an audience of the research sponsor’s choosing.
Prerequisite: Consent of sponsor and chairperson of Natural Science.


ENVS 497 |  Internship  |  3 Credits
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