Faculty Credentials

Full-Time Faculty

Fine Arts

Britney Rice
Faculty, Music
103 Tam-I-Nend Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
brice@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8248
D.M.A., Conservatory of the University of Missouri-Kansas City

Ben Furnish
Faculty, Theatre
102 Tam-I-Nend Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
bfurnish@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8428
Ph.D., University of Kansas

Rhonda LeValdo (Acoma Pueblo)
Dean, College of Humanities and the Arts
127 Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
rlevaldo@haskell.edu  – (785) 832-6678
M.S., University of Kansas

Communication Studies

Josh Morgan
Faculty, Speech Communication
125 Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
jmorgan@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8428
Ph.D., University of Kansas
M.A., University of Kansas

Tyler Kimbrell (Mvskoke and Tsalagi)
Faculty, Speech Communication
137B Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
tkimbrell@haskell.edu – (785) 832-1212
M.A., University of Kansas


Joseph Rodriguez
Faculty, English
142 Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
jrodriguez@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8428
Ph.D., University of Iowa
M.A., University of Iowa

Michelle Sturges-Brown (Northern Paiute and Blackfeet)
Faculty, English
126 Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
mbrown@haskell.edu – (785) 830-2757
M.A., University of Montana 

Rachel Linnea Brown
Faculty, English
123 Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
rbrown@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8428
Ph.D., University of Kansas
M.F.A., Colorado State University

Amy Hume
Faculty, English
137D Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
ahume@haskell.edu – (785) 830-2750
M.A., Ohio University

Christie Cooke (Navajo Nation)
Faculty, English
144c Ross Hall
College of Humanities and Arts
ccooke@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8430
M.F.A., University of Arizona

Environmental Science

Bridgett Chapin
Faculty, Environmental Science
139 Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
bchapin@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6696
Ph.D., University of Kansas 

Rajneesh Verma
Faculty, Environmental Science
108E Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
rverma@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6696
Ph.D., University of Texas

Indigenous and American Indian Studies

Eric Anderson (Citizen Band Potawatomi)
Faculty, Indigenous and American Indian Studies
124 Parker Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
eanderson@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404 x728
Ph.D., University of Kansas

Jimmy Beason II (Osage Nation)
Faculty, Indigenous and American Indian Studies
103B Parker Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
jbeason@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404
M.S.W., University of Kansas

Matthew Rosenthal
Faculty, Indigenous and American Indian Studies
127E Parker Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
mrosenthal@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404
Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Michael Stewart (Choctaw)
Faculty, Indigenous and American Indian Studies
127B Parker Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
mstewart@haskell.edu –(785) 749-8404 x234
M.S., University of Kansas

Daniel Wildcat (Yuchee/Creek)
Faculty, Indigenous and American Indian Studies
105 Parker Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
dwildcat@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6694 x694
Ph.D., University of Missouri, Kansas City


Nana Allison-Brewer (Navajo)
Faculty, Mathematics
140E Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
nallisonbrewer@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404 x647
M.A., University of Kansas

Gabriel Begaye (Navajo)
Faculty, Mathematics
140C Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
gbegaye@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404 x738
M.A., University of Kansas

Christopher Gayler
Faculty, Mathematics
140A Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
cgayler@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404
M.S., University of Kansas

Alexia Machina
Faculty, Mathematics
140B Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
amachina@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404
M.S., Kansas State University 

David Sicilian
Faculty, Mathematics
138 Sequoyah Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
dsicilian@haskell.edu – (785) 749-8404
M.S., University of Kansas

Phillip Cody Marshall
Dean, College of Natural and Social Sciences
129 Sequoya Hall
College of Natural and Social Sciences
pmarshall@haskell.edu – (785) 764-7502
M.S., University of Kansas

College of Business

Tina Tourtillott, (Kāēyas Mamāceqtawak)
Faculty, Tribal Business Management
108C Kiva Hall
College of Business
ttourtillott@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6616
M.B.A., Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Freda J Gipp, EdD
Faculty, Management
125 Blue Eagle Hall
College of Business
fgipp@haskell.edu  – (785) 830-2713
Ed.D., Baker University

Randall McCoy (Cherokee Nation)
Faculty, Accounting
118 Blue Eagle Hall
College of Business
rmccoy@haskell.edu – (785) 551-3177
M.S.A., University of Phoenix 

Kinis Meyer
Faculty, Business Administration
102 Kiva Hall
College of Business
kmeyer@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6602
M.S., Louisiana State University 

Dr. Jessica Burghart (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation)
Faculty, Management
108A Kiva Hall
College of Business
jburghart@haskell.edu – 785-830-2724
Cell: 785-393-1954
Ph.D., Walden University

Brian Wika (Choctaw/Chickasaw)
Faculty, Business
107 B Kiva Hall
College of Business
bwika@haskell.edu – 785-830-2781
M.S.F., University of Florida

Mackie Moore (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma)
Dean, College of Business
116 Blue Eagle Hall
College of Business
M.B.A., Northeastern State University

College of Education and Health Sciences Faculty and Dean Information

Joseph Bointy (Comanche Nation, Kiowa & Arapaho)
Faculty, Health, Sports, and Exercise Science
135 B Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
M.S., University of Central Oklahoma

Lancen Duncan (Navajo)
Faculty, Health, Sports, and Exercise Science
137 Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
M.S., A. T. Still University 

Judith Gipp (Hunkpapa Lakota)
Faculty, Health, Sports, and Exercise Science
150 D Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
M.S., University of New Mexico

Alta St. Pierre (Alutiiq Sugpiat)
Faculty, Health, Sports, and Exercise Science
125 Coffin Complex
College of Education and Health Sciences
amalchoff@haskell.edu – (785) 424-4465
M.S., University of Kansas

Michelle Byington (Spirit Lake Tribe and Hidatsa)
Faculty, School of Education
150 B Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
mbyington@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6628
M.S., University of Kansas

Kristyn Fish (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma)
Faculty, School of Education
150 C Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
kfish@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6684
M.S., Emporia State University

Jacqueline Boyd (Ohkay Owingeh, San Felipe Pueblo, Diné)
Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences
103 A Parker
College of Education and Health Sciences
jboyd@haskell.edu – (785) 832-6685
M.S., University of Kansas


Faculty Handbook 2019-24

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