General Education

Haskell student attending class

The Haskell General Education curriculum is the integrated expression of Haskell’s mission, vision, and institutional values, and builds on the core institutional values of Haskell. The General Education core produces a unique holistic educational experience which draws on our rich history and diverse intercultural character.

There are some requirements shared by every degree, just as there are some requirements that differ depending on which degree you are pursuing. These shared requirements make up the General Education program. General Education courses present students with concepts, theories, or knowledge that can be applied across disciplines. General Education provides specific knowledge and skills to students, including the ability to write clearly, to read critically, to speak effectively, to use mathematics competently, to think critically and creatively, and to understand abstract concepts. It also prepares students to understand different disciplines and analytical approaches.

The General Education program provides the foundational basis for every degree (Associate’s and Bachelor’s) at Haskell. This program is based on the four General Education Program Outcomes that identify what every Haskell graduate should know, should value, and should be able to do.

Please visit our degree checklist page

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