Health, Sport, and Exercise Science - Courses


Course codes:

HSES = Health, Sport, and Exercise Science

IA = Intercollegiate Athletics


HSES 100-LevelIA 100-LevelHSES 200-Level
HSES 100|Personal Hygiene|2 Credits

Study of principles for developing and maintaining personal health. Emphasis on social, mental, emotional, and physical adjustments in personal relationships, drugs, alcohol, and marriage and the family cycle.

HSES 101|Weight Training/Conditioning|1 Credit

Specialized strength and conditioning programs.

HSES 103|Fundamentals of Conditioning/Basketball|1 Credit

Emphasis on skills, fundamentals of movement, strength, systems of play, and physical conditioning for students.

HSES 104|Body Weight Control|1 Credit

Exercise class for students interested in nutrition and diet and exercise in weight control. Includes various methods of exercise for aerobic and physical conditioning.

HSES 105|Golf and Archery|1 Credit

Rules, techniques, and skills of golf and archery.

HSES 106|Racquetball|1 Credit

Fundamentals and rules of racquetball. Includes techniques, strategy and competition.

HSES 107|Jogging/Basketball|1 Credit

Exercise course in techniques and skills of jogging and basketball to improve physical fitness.

HSES 108|Beginning Swimming|1 Credit

Basic water skills, techniques, strokes, and conditioning. Open to students with little or no swimming skills.

HSES 109|Intermediate Swimming|1 Credit

Skills, techniques, knowledge, and otherwise achieved basic skills.

HSES 110|Advanced Swimming|1 Credit

Instruction in water safety and lifesaving techniques. Open to students who have completed intermediate swimming or the equivalent.

HSES 112|Introduction to Health, Sports, and Exercise Science|1 Credit

This course is designed for the physical major to develop personal skills and understandings in selected activities commonly found in the public schools program. The course introduces the students to the nature and scope of physical education, career preparation and opportunities and the foundations of the profession.

HSES 125|Fitness for Life|2 Credits

Individualized 30-minute total body workout program designed to improve cardiovascular efficiency, joint flexibility and muscular strength. The program is designed to reduce resting, heart rate, percent body fat and will lower stress.

HSES 131|Introduction to Recreation Administration|3 Credits

This course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in recreational related fields. The course will cover the administrative aspects of starting, continuing or heading various programs in recreation. Some of the areas that will be covered in this course are budget, personnel and staffing, assessment, fund raising objectives of different programs and facilities.

HSES 160|Basic Nutrition|3 Credits

Principles of normal nutrition and their adaptation in meeting the needs of individuals through the life cycle.

HSES 161|Diabetes and the Native American|3 Credits

This course is designed to address Type 2 diabetes and its relationship to the physiological health of Native Americans. The course will address the prevention and treatment of diabetes from a Native American perspective. At the completion of the course, the learner will be able to comprehend the reasons why Native Americans are now suffering from an epidemic of Diabetes. The learner will have a better understanding of why Native Americans were healthier one hundred years ago. The learner will be able to state ways to reclaim the health history of Native Americans.

IA 104|Intercollegiate Athletics|1 Credit

Instruction in individual fundamentals of movement, strength and physical condition, strategies for students competing in varsity athletic competition. To prepare students to compete on the varsity level of competition.

IA 105|Intercollegiate Athletics|1 Credit

Instruction in individual and team concepts that will include intermediate strategies for students competing in varsity athletic competition. This course will continue to the next level of skills and attributes that each athletic can develop for competition.

IA 106|Intercollegiate Athletics|1 Credit

Intercollegiate AthleticsInstruction in individual and team strategies as it pertains to game situations and competitions, upper level strength and physical conditioning programs for the prevention of injuries.

IA 107|Intercollegiate Athletics|1 Credit

The athlete will get instruction in advanced game strategies and advanced personal physical development for students competing on the university level. There will be instruction in leadership and hands on experience by the fourth year athlete that will including helping with the underclass players on certain occasions during parts of the program.

IA 114|Weight Training and Conditioning|1 Credit

Instruction and team skills, fundamentals of movement, strength and physical condition and systems of play and strategies for student competing in varsity athletic competition. To prepare students to compete on the varsity level of competition.

IA 115|Weight Training and Conditioning|1 Credit

Advanced instruction strength techniques to improve skill and performance on the field of competition.

IA 116|Weight Training and Conditioning|1 Credit

Advanced instruction involving strength training combined with explosion and accelerated training to specifically improve speed and agility skills.

IA 117|Weight Training and Conditioning|1 Credit

Advanced instruction in teaching weightlifting techniques at a level of competence so the students can prepare and supervise novice collegiate lifters in strength programs.

HSES 201|Personal and Community Health|3 Credits

Study of principles, attitudes and issues surrounding personal and community health and ways of promoting and maintaining it. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between population and disease, the life cycle, the ecosystem, and health care.

HSES 202|Techniques of Officiating Football|2 Credits

Study of the rules governing football. The duties of officials, and techniques in officiating football contests.

HSES 203|Techniques of Officiating Basketball|2 Credits

Study of rules governing basketball, men’s and women’s. The duties of officials and techniques in officiating basketball contests.

HSES 204|First Aid|2 Credits

Study of techniques of modern first aid, health precautions, and guidelines for first aid training.

HSES 206|Introduction to Coaching Basketball and Golf|2 Credits

Introduction to aspects of basketball and golf for students planning to continue physical education.

HSES 207|Introduction to Coaching Softball, Track and Field|2 Credits

Introduction to aspects of softball and track/field for students planning to continue in physical education.

HSES 208|Introduction to Coaching Soccer and Volleyball|2 Credits

Introduction to aspects of soccer and volleyball for students planning to continue in physical education.

HSES 209|Lifeguard Training|2 Credits

Focuses on lifesaving techniques, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); it deals with additional skills and knowledge required by individuals to develop effective lifeguard systems at skimming pools and non-surf, open water beaches.

HSES 225|Applied Anatomy|3 Credits

This course is an introduction to basic anatomy as it relates to human movement and physical activity/exercise. Topics of basic anatomical concepts, the upper extremities, spinal column, pelvis, thorax and lower extremities will be covered. This course is designed for those individuals who will work in physical activity fields such as physical education, athlete training athletic coaching, kinesiology and related fields.

HSES 230|Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries|3 Credits

This course is the first component of an athletic training program. Emphasis is two-fold; (1) care/minor treatment of acute and chronic sports related injuries, and (2) prevention of injuries during pre-season conditioning, in-season competition, and off-season training.

HSES 240|Sport in Society|3 Credits

This course is designed to explore the cultural dynamics of individual and group behavior in sport. Emphasis will be on the role of sport in multicultural and cross-cultural settings.

HSES 245|Intro to Sports Marketing and Promotion|3 Credits

This course is designed to explore marketing and promotional strategies in sporting venues. A foundation course in sports administration set to provide experiential learning opportunities in basic athletic management.

HSES 246|Stress Management|X? Credits

This course is designed to assist students in gaining stress management knowledge, help them to formulate perspectives on stress management techniques and apply the developing constructs in their lives with a sense of purpose and self responsibility.

HSES IND|Practicum in Coaching Team Sports|2 Credits

A directed study, this course is designed for students completing an associate of arts degree in health, physical education and recreation. Emphasis will be placed in the coaching of team sports.

HSES 255|Administration of Sports Programs|3 Credits

This course is designed to explore concepts of administration relative to sports, fitness, and physical education programs. The course will encompass principles, methods, and strategies to effective administration.

HSES 260|Internship in Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries|4 Credits

An independent study whereby students will gain first hand experience in the introductory level of athletic training, care and prevention of athletic injuries.

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