American Indian Studies - Courses

AIS 102|American Indian Issues I|3 Credits

An overview of current and historical issues which have resulted in policies and regulations affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives. The issues include: education, treaties, sovereignty and self-determination, religions, natural resources, legislation, jurisdiction, reservation and/or urban status, federal trust relationship, tribal economics and enterprises, American Indian policy, federal recognition, and current issues both regional and local.

AIS 110|History of North American Indian Tribes|3 Credits

Introductory survey of the origin, evolution, and distribution of Indians throughout North America, location of tribes in historic times, their relationships to one another, and their responses to white penetration of the continent. Emphasis on American Indian leadership and major contributions of American Indian people to American society. Fulfills a history requirement. Fulfills the Native citizenship requirement.

AIS 240 The Boarding School Experience|3 Credits

This course surveys the origins and impact of boarding schools established for Native youth beginning by the 17th century. Colonial and Christian models, later codified by United States federal Indian policies, afford a contrast to traditional Native learning approaches. Student and family experiences, legacies of reeducation, a comparative global approach, healing strategies, and decolonization will all be considered as methods of understanding the goals, outcomes, and impact of these schools.

AIS 270 American Southwest|3 Credits

The course will examine the interactions between Indigenous peoples, Spaniards, Mexicans, and Euro-Americans, and it will emphasize themes and issues concerning colonialism, race and ethnicity, gender, economics, the natural environment, and violence.

AIS 290 Vine Deloria, Jr.: Indigenous Iconoclast|3 Credits

This course will offer a critical survey of the major works of arguably the most significant American Indian thinker in the 20th century. The course will challenge students to understand, analyze and critically explore Deloria’s key ideas (prerequisite: English I).

AIS 301|Native and Western Views of Nature|3 Credits

Native and Western Views of Nature examines the convergences and divergences between Western and Indigenous North American perceptions, attitudes and practices with respect to the natural world. The course suggests that some viable and reliable knowledge can be gained by serious examination of the practices and methods of knowledge acquisition of native peoples.
Prerequisite: BIOL 101 or equivalent.

AIS 311|American Indian Issues II|3 Credits

Introduces students to the American Indian studies (AIS) discipline, but also challenges the standard assumptions and practice the discipline has about research, academic writing, education, and critical thinking. Students will look at a) what has gone on before and is currently happening in AIS; b) what can happen and c) what should happen.
Prerequisites: AIS 101 and AIS 110 or equivalent; AIS Major or permission of instructor.

AIS 313|American Indian Experience Since 1890|3 Credits

This course provides for an extended study of North American Indigenous peoples in the post-1890 era.  The course will explore the social/cultural experience of Indigenous peoples through their own histories, government policy, economics, and tribal sovereignty perspectives.
Prerequisite: AIS 110.

AIS 320|Environmental Protection in Indian Country|3 Credits

Examines the nature and scope of tribal sovereignty and the interplay between tribal sovereignty, environmental protection and tribal culture. Criteria to consider when developing tribal environmental protection programs and key environmental issues facing tribes will be studied throughout the semester.

AIS 321|Human Behavior in American Indian Communities|3 Credits

Course examines human behavior issues within American Indian communities using a social system approach.
Prerequisite: SW 101, SW 110, or SW 201.

AIS 322|Introduction to Research Methods in American Indian Studies|3 Credits

This introductory course on research examines trends and histories of research and assists students in enhancing their critical and ethical literacy skills through the close examination of the diverse range of methods and issues involved in selecting research methodologies appropriate to individual and community goals and projects.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the AIS Program or permission of instructor

AIS 331|Records and Information Management I|3 Credits

Methods for developing and controlling an office records management program will be discussed in this class. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to file documents using the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA)
Prerequisite: Junior Level

AIS 332|Records and Information Management II|3 Credits

This course offers an opportunity to examine the concepts, components, and functions of records and information management (RIM) from both the business and the federal government perspectives. Included in the class will be training by the National Archives and Records Administration in Basic Records Operations (KA1) with the opportunity to earn a certificate.

AIS 341  |  American Indian Narratives  |  3 Credits

This course explores the continuity between traditional oral narratives and literary prose, including novels, short fiction, essays, and memoirs. Themes such as twins, geographic sites, renewal, healing and elements of nature are followed through a variety of histories and genres, including film. Attention will be paid to the author-function as its shifts from members of an oral tradition to specific writers of contemporary texts.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and ENGL 212

AIS 342  |  American Indian Music  |  3 Credits

This course will examine the diversity of Natives Peoples throughout the historical, sociological, philosophical and spiritual lives through music. We will examine the integral relationship of music in the spiritual and social lives by examining music from various sections of the nation: the impact of Native Peoples and Euro-Americans music in boarding schools and Indian lives during the reservation period. Prerequisite: AIS 310

AIS 343 American Indian Film 3 Credits

This course surveys images of American Indians and Alaska Natives in film. Critical analysis of social roles of Indian characters will be included as well as literary critique of plot, character development, setting, and imagery.
Prerequisites: ENGL 210 or ENGL 212.

AIS 346|Philosophy in Indigenous Literature|3 Credits

Readings of Indigenous American biographies and other literary works with emphasis on underlying philosophies; discussion of how Native thought relates to literary critical theory and European categories of philosophy.
Prerequisites: ENGL 210 or 212

AIS 349|Law and American Indian Religious Freedoms|3 Credits

This course examines the impact of federal laws and policies and U.S. Supreme court decisions on the sacred ways of life of American Indian tribal groups. It also examines the legislative and legal history of the First Amendment’s “Free Exercise” clause and “Establishment” clause as they apply to American Indian Religious Freedoms. Topics covered will include sacred lands, sacred practices, NAGPRA and repatriation, and environmental colonialism, from the first perspective of legal guarantees under the First Amendment as well as under Treaties.
Prerequisites: AIS 310 and Junior/Senior level standing

AIS 350|Foundations of Indigenous Philosophy|3 Credits

Introduces the philosophies of specific Meso-American and North American indigenous peoples. The relationship of the land and culture and its connection to indigenous worldviews will be explored.
Prerequisites: AIS 310, HIST 110 or HIST 112 or HIST 222 or completion of a third English course.

AIS 352  |  American Indian Drama  |  3 Credits

Survey of plays from contemporary American Indian / Alaska Native playwrights.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and ENGL 102 or ENGL 212

AIS 360|Theories of Decolonization and Indigenization|3 Credits

This course introduces and examines colonization, decolonization, and Indigenization through exploring their respective, yet overlapping, theories, and philosophies.
Prerequisite: Junior/Senior level standing.

AIS 397  |  Internship I  |  3 Credits

The student should contact the AIS faculty member in charge of internships before enrolling in this course.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the AIS program and Internship Director’s Permission

COMS 310|Traditional and Contemporary Native American Rhetoric|3 Credits

This is a course in rhetorical analysis and criticism of traditional and contemporary Native American discourse. This course will examine predominate themes in historical and contemporary Native American oratory.
Prerequisites: COMS131 or COMS151

TGMT 330|Fundamentals of Tribal Sovereignty|3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic principles underlying the sovereignty of Indian Nations and Tribes.
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission

AIS 402|American Indian Treaties and Agreements|3 Credits

A senior-level course introducing students to the scholarship of examining American Indian Treaties and Agreements through cross disciplinary approaches, including law, written and oral history, and geography. The specific nature of various First Nations’ documents as well as the importance of these treaties in both national and international law today will be examined.
Prerequisites: AIS 310 and Junior/Senior level standing.

AIS 421|Community Health Social Work with Indigenous Peoples|3 Credits

This course offers a broad and in-depth examination of critical, social, cultural and political variables important to improving the health of First Nations Peoples and their communities. These variables are presented within macro, mezzo, and micro frameworks and are linked to strengthening traditional culture, empowering the community, and contending with historical and contemporary oppression.
Prerequisite: AIS 321

AIS 423|Biography of American Indian Leaders: Past & Present|3 Credits

This course will address American Indian leadership issues both past and present. We will seek to clarify and understand the motivations that inspires or forces tribal members to assume leadership roles in tribal communities.
Prerequisite: AIS101, AIS 110, and AIS 312

AIS 490|Directed Studies |3 Credits

This course offers the opportunity for a student to work closely with an instructor on a subject that is not otherwise offered in the course schedule. Contact the AIS program for more information.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the AIS Program and permission of the AIS Chair

AIS 497|Internship II|3 Credits

Students are responsible for contacting the AIS faculty member in charge of Internships before enrolling in this course.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the AIS Program and Internship Director’s Permission

AIS 499|BAIS Senior Capstone|3 Credits

A senior-level class in a selected American Indian topic, genre, time period, or author(s). The course will change from semester. The seminar allows for in-depth exploration of a single topic. Students will be expected to participate as readers, as researchers, and also as presenters. A substantial research project from each student will be presented and critiqued within the forum of the seminar.
Prerequisite: senior standing in the AIS program and Instructor’s Permission

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