Music Program - Courses

MUS 131|Elementary Keyboard Skills I|1 Credit
An introductory piano course for students with no prior experience with piano. Instruction covers basic keyboard skills, including music reading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation, and playing by ear. Also introduces basic features of the digital piano.
MUS 132|Elementary Keyboard Skills II|1 Credit
A continuation of material introduced in MUS 131. Instruction covers major scales, chord inversions, secondary triads, and seventh chords.
Prerequisite: MUS 131 or Instructor Permission
MUS 137|Music Appreciation: Through the Classical Period|3 Credits
Survey of the development of music in Western civilization from medieval to classical times.
MUS 138|Music Appreciation: Through the Contemporary Times|3 Credits
Survey of the development of music from classical European to contemporary American eras.
MUS 139 Introduction to World Music 3 Credits
Survey of music from within the context of specific cultures around the world. Examples of music, social, historical, and geographical aspects of the cultures discussed are explored in the course.
MUS 151 Haskell Chorus
Haskell Chorus is designed to help participants develop their vocal ability and enrich their lives through the practice and performance of music. Students will develop skills within the context of a choral ensemble in which they will perform a variety of styles of repertoire. This course is open to all students.
MUS 233|Intermediate Keyboard Skills I|1 Credit
An intermediate piano course focused on developing keyboard skills, including reading, transposition, harmonization, improvisation, and playing by ear. Instruction covers all major and minor scales as well as secondary dominant harmony.
Prerequisite: MUS 132 or Instructor Permission
MUS 234|Intermediate Keyboard Skills II|1 Credit
This course continues material introduced in MUS 233. Instruction focuses on fluency in all key centers and covers repertoire from various style periods.
Prerequisite: MUS 233 or Instructor
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