New Students

Who are first-year students at Haskell Indian Nations University?

First-year students at HINU are students who have never attended college before and have a high school diploma or GED. First-year students are new college students pursuing an undergraduate degree.

Admissions Standards: First-Year Students

  1. Regular Acceptance – Students with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale

Admission Materials Required: New Students

  1. Application – All students must submit an application to the University. The application must contain the student’s full legal name. If the application and/or supporting documents show a different name or a variation of the student’s name, the student will be required to submit either legal documents showing their name was legally changed or re-submit any supporting documents with the full legal name.
  2. Tribal Verification – Students applying for admission to attend Haskell must either be an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe eligible for education benefits from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), or at least one-fourth total degree Indian blood direct descendant of an enrolled member of a tribe eligible for BIA education benefits. Verification of tribal enrollment can be presented in either of the following methods:
    1. Student is an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe. Provide an official Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) card or other official tribal enrollment information with the student’s name, other identifying information such as date of birth or social security number, and an enrollment (membership) number from the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe.
    2. Direct Descendant of an enrolled member of a tribe eligible for BIA education benefits. Provide official documentation of at least one-fourth degree Indian blood descendant of an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe eligible for BIA education benefits, signed by the appropriate BIA agency or federally recognized tribe.

If you are not sure if your tribe is federally recognized and eligible for education benefits, please refer to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, website for “Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United State Bureau of Indian Affairs”Haskell Indian Nations University does not research, or obtain membership verification on behalf of student applicants. The student is responsible for providing official verification of tribal enrollment from the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe. Haskell reserves the right to verify official tribal enrollment documents with the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe.

  1. High School/GED requirements–An official high school transcript must be submitted. In the case of a first-time freshman, a copy of the 7th semester high school transcript with projected graduation date is acceptable for preliminary review. Upon graduation, an official transcript must be submitted.
    1. General Education Development (GED) Diploma – minimum score required of 145 on each test subject.
    2. Haskell does not accept faxed transcripts or GED scores.
  2. OFFICIAL College Transcript(s)– Dual Enrollment students who took college courses during high school must submit official transcripts from each technical, junior or community college, or universities in which they were enrolled.

Failure to report all prior academic work, either through attending a technical, junior or community college, or universities, is grounds for disqualification of your application or suspension if accepted into the University.

  1. Immunizations– All students must have current Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR I and II) immunizations. Documentation of immunizations or an exemption form should be signed and submitted.
  2. Fee – All students must submit a nonrefundable $10 application fee to the University.

Admission Decisions: First-Year Students

All applicants will be given a decision of “accepted,” “accepted on probation,” “denied,” or “incomplete-no decision.”

Students who received an “incomplete-no decision” determination are not eligible to appeal, however; submitted materials will be kept on file for at least 3 years.

Denial Appeal Process: First-Year Students

Students who have submitted complete packets and were denied admission can appeal the decision.

Write a letter to the Admissions Office. Applicants wishing to appeal should submit a typewritten letter on why they feel they should be considered for acceptance. All appeals will be reviewed by an academic official outside of the Office of Admissions. This process may take up to 2-3 weeks therefore appeals should be submitted as soon as possible.

Haskell Rights

All official documents become the property of Haskell Indian Nations University and cannot be returned to applicant.

Haskell reserves the right to verify official tribal enrollment documents with the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe.

Haskell reserves the right to deny or cancel the acceptance or admission of any student whose attendance at the university would not be mutually beneficial for the student or the university.


Application Deadlines

General Deadline Dates for Submitting Applications

Fall Semester: June 1

Summer: April 15

Spring Semester: Nov. 15

If the deadline date falls on a weekend, the following Monday is the deadline.
Applications and supporting documents postmarked on or after the deadline, faxed, or emailed will NOT be accepted.

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