Why Haskell

Why Haskell

Frequently Asked Questions


1) When are applications due?

If you are a first-time student, transfer-in student or a student reapplying to be readmitted, our deadlines are as follows:

  • Fall Semester: June 1st
  • Summer Semester: April 15th
  • Spring Semester: November 15th

You do not have to reapply if you are a continuing student (attended the previous semester).

2) Can I still apply after the deadline?

You can always apply! However, complete applications packets (application and required documents) received after the deadline are placed on a waiting list and will depend on our capacity. Our capacity is based on housing and class capacity.


3) I am a former student and would like to re-apply. What documents do I need to submit?

If it’s been more than two years since you attended Haskell, you will need to resubmit all required documents. Please reference the “Re-Admit” section of the Haskell Admissions page for details on these requirements.

4) Are ACT and/or SAT required for acceptance?

No, ACT and/or SAT score(s) are no longer required.

6) Are Covid-19 vaccinations required to attend Haskell Indian Nations University?

No, Covid-19 vaccination are no longer required.

7) How do I check my application status?

Please call the Office of Admissions at (785) 749-8454 or email admissions@haskell.edu. Please note, we do experience high call volume on and near deadline dates. After a decision is made, we notify students by post letters, emails, and/or telephone calls. Please include the most accurate contact information on your application.

8) Can I apply with an unofficial high school and/or college transcript?

Unfortunately, no! Only official transcripts are required when applying.

9) How are official transcripts delivered?

An official transcript must be delivered in one of the following methods:

  1. Mailed directly to our office from the previous college(s).
  2. Hand-delivered to our office in original and sealed envelop.
  3. Delivered electronically through a service such as Parchment or The National Student Clearinghouse. When using this method, please utilize the Admissions email address: admissions@haskell.edu.

10) Are you offering online classes?

Currently, a limited number of classes are online. Online courses vary from semester to semester. For more information regarding available online courses, please refer to the Course Schedule: https://haskell.edu/registrar/course-sch/.

11) Can I schedule a college visit at Haskell?

Yes! To schedule a visit, please complete the form: https://haskell.edu/admissions/visit-us/.

12) Do I have to be an enrolled member of a tribe to attend? Can I apply if I’m enrolled in a state-recognized tribe?

All students must be a member of a United States federally recognized tribe to attend Haskell Indian Nations University.


If you claim eligibility through descendancy, you will have to verify being ¼ blood quantum or greater. Submit official documentation regarding tribal recognition signed by the appropriate BIA agency or tribe. OR You can submit your birth certificate along with your parent/parents tribal enrollment documents.

13) I have a fee waiver, do I have to pay my application fee?

All applicants must pay the $10 application fee. Haskell Indian Nations University does not participate in any “fee waiver” program.


14) How much are your fees? What’s Those students living on-campus will have included in those fees?

Haskell Indian Nations University is Tuition Free = $0! There are two fee structures per semester: On-Campus students and Off-Campus students. The fees include the following:

On-Campus Student Fees: $715. Off-Campus Student Fees: $240

  • Food Service Fee – $245
  • Library Fee- $100
  • Housing Fee – $180
  • Little Nations Fee – $5
  • Activity Fee – $35
  • Technology Fee – $50
  • Athletic Events – $25
  • Fitness Center Fee – $25
  • Laundry Usage Fees – $50
  • Library Fee – $100
  • Little Nations Fee – $5
  • Activity Fee – $35
  • Technology Fee – $50
  • Athletics Fee – $25
  • Fitness Center Fee – $25
  • ­­­­­­­­­­­­Foodservice Fee – $245 is optional.

15) How do I pay my $10 application fee?

The fastest and easiest way to pay is to utilize the Pay.Gov option (click here). If you prefer to pay by money order or cashier’s check, please make payable to:

Haskell Indian Nations University and mail to:

Haskell Indian Nations University
Attn: Office of Admissions
155 Indian Ave Box #5031
Lawrence, KS 66046-4800

Please note: We do not accept personal checks or cash.

16) I submitted my application through DocuSign and haven’t heard anything back. Have you received my application?

Yes! If you have completed the online application and clicked “Finish” you are done! We will automatically receive your application. If you did not attach your required documents, please submit. A complete application packet is required before your application will be processed and considered.

17) How do I get by Haskell Indian Nations University transcript?

Please visit the Registrar’s transcript page at: https://haskell.edu/registrar/transcripts/.


Application Deadlines

General Deadline Dates for Submitting Applications

Fall Semester: June 1

Summer: April 15

Spring Semester: Nov. 15

If the deadline date falls on a weekend, the following Monday is the deadline.
Applications and supporting documents postmarked on or after the deadline, faxed, or emailed will NOT be accepted.

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