Frequently Asked Questions

When are my fees due?
Students must register for classes prior to paying the semester fees; semester fees are due by the first day of class each semester. If you register for classes after the first day of class, you will be assessed a $30.00 late registration fee. See also: Fee Policy.
What if I cannot pay my fees?
Payment plans are available to those students who are unable to pay their fees in full by the first day of class. The last day of add/drop is the deadline to sign up for a payment plan, if you fail to pay your fees by the first day of class or sign up for a payment plan, you could dropped from the university. See also: Fee policy/payment plan policy.
I am expecting financial aid; can my fees be subtracted from my funding?
If you have received an award letter for Pell by the first day of class your account will be credited and your fees will be deducted.
I have a Hold on my account, what is a Hold?
A Hold is placed on an account if there is an outstanding balance due; a student will be unable to request transcripts, pre-enroll, and register for classes or in some cases check out library books until the fine is paid.
I prepaid for my housing and I will not be returning; does Haskell issue refunds?
No, fees are non-refundable. If extenuating circumstances permit you from attending a particular semester where you already paid the fees, you must notify the Business Office in writing to obtain approval to apply the fees to a subsequent semester.
When will I receive my Pell Grant?
Pell Grant is paid out according to the Financial Aid Schedule. See also: Disbursement of funding policy.
When will I be able to pick up my scholarship?
Scholarship disbursement will begin after add/drop ends to those students who have no outstanding fees, have paid their semester fees and are not on a multi-list check. All checks require clearance by the Financial Aid office prior to disbursement. Please see Disbursement of Funding Policy for more details.
What if I do not have my Student ID?
You will be required to purchase a new Student ID priced at $20.00 by showing a valid state or tribal ID to the Business Office at the time of purchase. No transactions will be processed nor any account information be discussed without the proper ID.
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