Haskell Indian Nations University Directory
Main: 785-749-8404
A | |||
Academic Affairs Office | Navarre Hall | 830-2770 x770 | |
Admissions Office | Pushmataha Hall | 749-8454 x454 | |
Adams, Angelina | Student Life: Counseling Center | Staff | 830-2775 x775 |
Allen, Richard | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Allison-Brewer, Nana | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Mathematics | Faculty | 749-8404 x620 |
Alumni Association | Tecumseh Hall – Lower Level | 830-2768 | |
Alva, Emilio | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x311 |
Anderson, Dr. Eric | College of Natural and Social Sciences: History | Faculty | 830-2728 x728 |
Arpan, Dr. Frank | Office of the President | President | 749-8497 |
Athletics Department | Coffin Complex | 749-8459 x459 | |
Azure-Whiteman, Leona | Academic Support Center: Library | Staff | 749-8431 x431 |
B | |||
Barton, Harold | Security – Contractor | 760-6192 x763 | |
Beason, Jimmy | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Indigenous and American Indian Studies | Faculty | 749-8404 x272 |
Begay, Jan | Property | Staff | 749-8419 x419 |
Begaye, Gabe | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Mathematics | Faculty | 830-2738 x738 |
Blalock Hall | Student Housing | 749-8404 x462 | |
Bointy, Joe | Health, Sport and Exercise Science | Faculty | 830-2746 x746 |
Bonebrake, Russell | Security Contractor | 760-6192 x763 | |
Boucher, Dr. Michael | Distance Education | Director | 785-749-8448 |
Boyd, Jacqueline | School of Education | Dean | 832-6685 x685 |
Brady, Ronnie | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Brave, Ron | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Brown, Rachel | College of Humanities: English | Faculty | 832-6688 x688 |
Burghart, Jessica | School of Business | Faculty | 830-2724, x724 |
Bursars Office | Navarre Hall | 749-8450 x450 | |
Business, School of | Blue Eagle Hall | 749-8402 x402 | |
Butler, Dequerio | Human Resources | Staff | 830-2730, x730 |
Byington, Michelle | College of Education | Faculty | 832-6628, x628 |
C | |||
Cahwee, Philip | Office of Information Technology | Staff | 749-8475 x475 |
Campbell, Travis | Haskell Museum | Director | |
Campus Parking / ID Cards | Winnemucca Hall | 749-8467 x467 | |
Campus Shop/Purple Threads | Tecumseh Hall – Lower Level | 830-2749 x749 | |
Cesare, Denise | Office of Information Technology | Support Staff | 749-8459 x459 |
Chapin, Dr. Bridgett | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Biology | Faculty | 832-2696 x696 |
Chee, Henry | Faculties | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Cloud, Travis | Facilities | 749-8404 x247 | |
College of Natural and Social Sciences | Sequoyah Hall | 832-6611 x611 | |
Computer Helpdesk (IT) | Pontiac Hall | 813-8827 | |
Cooke, Christie | College of Humanities: English | Faculty | 749-8430 x430 |
Cornelius, Carrie | Academic Support Center: Library | Staff | 749-8470 x211 |
Crawford, Edward (Jay) | Housing | 749-8462 x462 | |
Crawford, Stephanie | Student Services | Support Staff | 749-8440 x440 |
Cuny, Kerry | Facilities | Staff | 832-6609 x609 |
Curtis Dining Hall | Curtis Hall: Food Services | 749-8469 x469 | |
D | |||
Deer, Amy | Office of the President | Support Staff | 749-8497 x497 |
Deer, Cory | Little Nations Academic Center | Director | 832-6623 x623 |
Dodson, Alfred | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Downing, Matthew | Men’s Basketball Head Coach | 749-8404 x222 | |
Dull, Leslie | Financial Aid Office | Staff | 749-8486 x486 |
Duncan, Lancen | Health, Sport and Exercise Science | Faculty | 832-6651 x651 |
Dzakic-Shield, Jolona | Athletics | Program Support Asst / Softball Head Coach | 749-8459 |
E | |||
England, Ronald | Facilities | 749-8404 x247 | |
Education, School of | Parker Hall | 749-8426 x426 | |
F | |||
Facilities Office | Winnemucca Hall | 749-8467 x467 | |
Fernando, Stephanie | Facilities | Support Staff | 749-8467 x467 |
Fiedler, Kylee | Campus Advocate Coordinator (Interim) | Staff | 749-8454 x454 |
Financial Aid Office | Stidham Union | 749-8468 x468 | |
Fire, David | Bureau of Indian Education | Cybersecurity | 749-8404 |
Fish, Kristyn | College of Education | Faculty | 832-6684 x684 |
Freeman, Darren | Office of Safety and Compliance | Safety Manager | 830-2726 |
Furnish, Benjamin | College of Humanities | Faculty | 832-6654 x654 |
G | |||
Galindo, Leandra | Student Life: Student Activities | Staff | 749-8480 x215 |
Gayler, Christopher | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Mathematics | Faculty | 832-6630 x630 |
Gillaspie, Cheryl | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8465 x465 |
Gipp, Freda | School of Business | Faculty | 749-8402 |
Gipp, Judith | Health, Sport and Exercise Science | Faculty | 832-6653, x653 |
Good Fox, Julia | Office of the President | Special Projects | 749-8497 |
Goombi, Gary | Facilities | Staff | 832-6608 x608 |
Goombi, Lenora | University Services Office | Support Staff | 830-2753 x753 |
Greer, Charles | Security Contractor | 760-6192 x763 | |
Grounds, Cynthia | Grants Office | Coordinator | 832-8418 x418 |
H | |||
Hara, Lou | Registrars Office | Registrar | 749-8404 x251 |
Harjo, Nathan | Office of Information Technology | Director | 749-8482 x482 |
Haskell Bridge | Tommaney Hall | 832-6646 | |
Haskell KU Exchange Program | Sequoyah | 816-213-1053 | |
Haskell Cultural Center and Museum | Barker Ave. & Indian Ave. | 832-6686 | |
Haskell Foundation | Navarre Hall | 749-8425 | |
Hayes, Raylene | College of Natural and Social Sciences | Support Staff | 832-6611 x611 |
Heinen, Jason | Office of Information Technology | IT Contractor | 830-2712 |
Holder, Dr. Melissa | Student Success Center | Supervisor | 749-8421 x421 |
Horne, Cody | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | |
Horne, Sharon | School of Business | Adjunct | 830-2772 x772 |
Housing Office | Osceola-Keokuk Hall | 749-8460 x460 | |
Hume, Amy | College of Humanities | Faculty | 830-2750 x750 |
Human Resources Office | Navarre Hall | 785-749-8404 | |
I | |||
Indian Leader, The | Tecumseh Hall | 749-8477 x477 | |
Iron-Whiteman, Geri | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
J | |||
Jackson, Monica | Student Services | Staff | 749-8485 x485 |
James, Teddi | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | |
Jefferson-McKinney, Ellen | Finance | Staff | 830-2780 x780 |
Jim Thorpe Fitness Center | Jim Thorpe Hall | 830-2758 x758 | |
Johnson, Jeri | Finance | Staff | 749-8400 x400 |
Jones, Matthew | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | 749-8466 x466 |
Jumbo, Jennifer | Bursar Office | Staff | 830-2783 x783 |
K | |||
Kaye, Roberta | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Kimbrell, Tyler | College of Humanities: Communications | Faculty | 832-6680 x680 |
King, Manny | Student Life: Programs & Activities | Staff | 749-8447 x447 |
Kriley, Tim | Athletics | Staff | 830-2759 x759 |
L | |||
Lanham, Jane | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | 830-2722 x722 |
LeValdo, Rhonda | College of Humanities | Dean | 832-6678 x678 |
Library | Tommaney Hall | 749-8470 x470 | |
Little Nations Academic Center | Child Care/Pre-School Center | 832-6623 x623 | |
Lynch, Shane | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Indigenous and American Indian Studies | Adjunct | 832-6647, x647 |
M | |||
Machina, Alexia | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Mathematics | Faculty | 832-6633 x633 |
Mann, Laura | Student Accessibility Office | Coordinator | 832-6607 x607 |
Marshall, Phillip | College of Natural and Social Sciences | Dean | 832-6625 x625 |
Maxwell, Julianne | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Biology | Adjunct | 749-8404 x240 |
McCoy, Randall | School of Business | Faculty | 832-6663 x 663 |
McKinney, Danelle | Student Conduct | Staff | 749-8415 x415 |
McKinney, Ronald | TRiO / Student Support Services | Staff | 749-8432 x432 |
McLemore, Darrell | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | 830-2721 x721 |
Medicine Horse, Colan | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Mesplie, Ira | Human Resources | Staff | 830-2732 x732 |
Meyer, Kinis | School of Business | Faculty | 832-6602 x602 |
Moore, Mackie | School of Business | Dean | 832-6663 x663 |
Morgan, Josh | College of Humanities: Speech | Faculty | 749-8479 x479 |
Morris, Carlene | Financial Aid Office | Director | 830-2702 x702 |
Muskett, Milford | Office of Academic Affairs | Vice President | 749-8494 x494 |
N | |||
Natoni, Lester | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Nickoley, Jamie | School of Business | Adjunct | 749-8402 x402 |
O | |||
Osceola-Keokuk Hall | Student Housing | 830-2721 x721 | |
P | |||
Pargeets, Tracy | Finance | Staff | 830-2782 x782 |
Pocahontas Hall | Student Housing | 749-8465 x465 | |
Pohocsucut, Henry | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Post Office | Navarre Hall | 749-8449 x449 | |
Powhatan Hall | Student Housing | 749-8488 x488 | |
Purple Threads Campus Shop | Stidham Union | 830-2749 x749 | |
President’s Office | Office of the President | 749-8497 x497 | |
Q | |||
R | |||
Reeder, Duane | Center for Institutional Effectiveness | Statistician | 832-6638 |
Registrars Office | Navarre Hall | 749-8440 x440 | |
Reynolds, Paula | Mail Room | Staff | 749-8449 x449 |
Rice, Britney | College of Humanities: Music | Faculty | 832-6655 x655 |
Rodriguez, Dr. Joseph | College of Humanities: English | Faculty | 832-6689 x689 |
Roe Cloud Hall | Student Housing | 749-8466 x466 | |
Rosenthal, Dr. Matthew | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Psychology | Faculty | 832-6613 x613 |
S | |||
Safety Office | Stidham Union | 832-6608 x608 | |
Schneider, Velvet | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Schrader, Phyllis | RISE Program | Grant Staff | 830-2735 x735 |
Security Office | Roe Cloud Hall | 760-6192 x763 | |
Shield, Jeremy | Facilities Office | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Shield, Robin | Office of Academic Affairs | Support Staff | 749-8463 x463 |
Sicilian, David | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Mathematics | Faculty | 832-6627 x627 |
Sledd, Jeri | Student Bank | Staff | 749-8435 x435 |
Smallcanyon, Ken | University Operations | Vice President | 749-8457 x457 |
Smith, Shania | Center for Institutional Effectiveness | Director | 830-2727 |
St. Pierre, Alta | Health, Sport and Exercise Science: Volleyball | Coach | 832-6637 x637 |
Stanley, Rodney | Facilities | Staff | 749-8467 x467 |
Stapleton, Matthew | Facilities | Staff | 749-8467 |
Stewart, Michael | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Indigenous and American Indian Studies | Faculty | 832-6677 x677 |
Stites, Dorothy | Admissions Office | Director | 749-8456 x456 |
Stroud, Lonnie | Student Activities | Staff | 832-6619 x401 |
Student Activities | Tecumseh Hall | 749-8480 x480 | |
Student Bank | Navarre Hall | 749-8435 x435 | |
Student Rights | Winona Hall | 830-2754 x754 | |
Student Life Office | Osceola-Keokuk Hall | 749-8460 x460> | |
Student Senate Office | Tecumseh Hall | 749-8404 x706 | |
Sulongteh, Paul | Student Life: Student Housing | Director | 830-2703 x703 |
T | |||
Tah, David | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Talawyma, Jason | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Tapedo, Brady | Facilities | Staff | 749-8404 x247 |
Thompson, Pat | Curtis Hall: Food Services | Staff | 749-8469 x469 |
Tourtillott, Tina | School of Business | Faculty | 749-8404 x277 |
U | |||
University Services Office | Navarre Hall | 830-2753 x753 | |
V | |||
VanRiette, Joseph | Office of Information Technology | IT Contractor | 830-2712 |
Van Noy, Karla | Facilities | Manager | 830-2784 x784 |
Verma, Dr. Rajneesh | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Chemistry | Faculty | 832-6624 x624 |
W | |||
Wagoner, Mioshia | TRiO/ Student Support Services | Grant Director | 749-8404 x405 |
Watts, Doris | Academic Support Center: Library | Staff | 749-8470 x470 |
Welton, Becky | Haskell Bridge & KU Exchange Program | Grant Staff | 832-6619 x619 |
Welton, Bill | College of Natural and Social Sciences | Adjunct | 830-2717 x717 |
Wika, Brian | School of Business | Faculty | 730-2781 x781 |
Wildcat, Dr. Daniel | College of Natural and Social Sciences: Sociology | Faculty | 832-6694 x694 |
Wilkerson, Dr. Zach | Athletics | Interim Athletic Director | 749-8459 |
Williams, Sherry | Student Life: Student Housing | Staff | 830-2722 x722 |
Winona Hall | Student Housing | 749-8460 x722 | |
X | |||
Y | |||
Yarnell, James | Security Contractor | 760-6192 x763 | |
Z |