Institutional Review Board

Conducting Research
Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU or Haskell) is committed to protecting the interests of research subjects and promoting the responsible planning and implementation of human subject(s) research. All research conducted on the Haskell’s campus is approved by the Haskell’s IRB and conducted according to the protocol given on IRB application. Please email to begin the process.
Regulatory Compliance
Haskell Indian Nations University holds a Federal Wide Assurance, FWA No. 00005106. Under this Assurance, the IRB at Haskell is recognized as the responsible IRB for fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Regulations under Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 Part 46 (45CFR46). Haskell assures the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Human Research Protections, that it will meet all of the requirements of 45 CFR 46 regardless of sponsorship.
Core Principles
As described by the Belmont Report for responsible research involving human subject(s) research and their applications, are:
- Respect for persons: include acknowledge autonomy and the requirement to protect those with diminished autonomy though informed consent.
- Beneficence: Minimization of risks to subjects
- Justice: Equitable selection of subjects and distribution of benefits
Responsibilities of Researchers
The researcher has the primary responsibility for ensuring that the research is conducted in the appropriate manner. The researcher is responsible for:
- The research is approved by the Haskell IRB and conducted according to the protocol given on IRB application.
- Subjects’ informed consent is appropriately obtained.
- Ensuring that the subjects meet selection and eligibility requirements.
- The study is properly designed and scientifically valid.
The Role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The IRB was established by the President to protect the interests of research subjects. The main role of the IRB is to review of all human subjects research conducted at Haskell and to ensure that the research fulfills the requirements within federal regulations. The IRB reviews research proposals according to the following criteria:
- Are the risks to subjects minimized?
- Are the risks reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits?
- Is the selection of subjects equitable?