
24/7 Resources:

24/7 The Willow 785-843-3333

24/7 Strong Hearts 1-844-762-8483

24/7 Lawrence Crisis Center Text 988

24/7 The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center 785-843-8985

24/7 BIE Behavioral Health & Wellness Program 1-844-275-2497

24/7 National Human Trafficking Resource Center 1-888-373-7888

24/7 Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Victim Services 1-866-966-0173

24/7 Know Someone Experiencing Emotional Distress/Suicidal Ideation 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


Local/National/Culturally Supportive Resources


Haskell Indian Health Service

785-843-3750 Medical Appointment

785-832-4857 Behavioral Health


2415 Massachusetts St

Lawrence, Kansas 66046

7 am – 4:30 pm Monday- Thursday

8 am – 4:30 pm Friday


Lawerence Veterans Affairs Clinic  assists Veterans with all matters.



4824 Quail Crest Place

Lawrence, KS 66049


8 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Thursday

Lawrence Memorial Hospital is your local hospital.



325 Main Street

Lawrence, KS 66044




Morningstar Counseling & Consultation provides HINU students and staff “free” in person/virtual counseling.



For services, please complete  forms and email them to Cynthia C. Rendon Perez (HINU Intake Coordinator).

Dr. Belinda Hinojos (HINU onsite Counselor)


Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Victim Services provides immediate responses to intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking, sexual assault, and dating violence.

1-866-966-0173 (24/7)


11400 158th Road

Mayetta, KS 66509

Note: Transportation is available to and from HINU for services.


Bureau of Indian Education Behavioral Health & Wellness Program  supports students and staff with individual crisis, onsite and/or virtual counseling, training and resources.

1-844-275-2497 (24/7)

Strong Hearts Native Help Line offers 24/7 confidential and anonymous culturally appropriate supportive services for intimate partner abuse or sexual violence to Native Americans nationwide.

1-844-762-8483 (24/7)



The Trauma Sexual & Abuse Care Center is your local 24/7 crisis counseling, advocacy, center for all ages and genders affected by sexual trauma or abuse.


785-843-8985 (24/7)


330 Maine Street

Lawrence, KS 66044

Walk-Ins Hours:

8 am – 5pm Monday

8 am – 5pm Tuesday

CLOSED Wednesday

8 am – 5pm Thursday

8 am – 5pm Friday

Note: If an individual needs a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE). Individuals do not have to go to the hospital alone. The Sexual Trauma Care Center’s (STA) Advocates are always available 24/7 call 785-843-8985.


1.    It is recommended that a SAFE exam be completed within 72 hours of an assault. However, SAFE exams can be completed up to 5 days after an incident has occurred.

2.    It is recommended that individuals refrain from changing their clothes, taking a shower, or brushing their teeth.

3.    Individuals can stop an exam at any point

4.    The District Attorney’s office, local agencies, or Indian Health Service can cover the cost of a SAFE exam. Reach out to HINU Campus Coordinator for support.

5.    Individuals who are under the age of 18, or 18, over 60 and have a disability and have been sexually assaulted. Mandated reporters must notify law enforcement.

Kansas Vine Services  gives survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens access to timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.



RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network)  is a 24/7 national sexual assault hotline who help survivors, educate the public, improve public policies, consulting and/or training.

1-800-656-4673 (24/7)

Bert Nash is our local certified community behavioral health clinic.


Crisis text 988


200 Maine St.

Lawrence KS

Walk-In Hours:

8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday-Thursday

9:00 am- 4:00 pm Friday

National Domestic Violence Hotline provides free and confidential services 24/7. Service can include safety planning.  Supporting abusive partners seeking help on their own.

1-800-799-7233 (call or text)

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Sasha Center (Sexual Assault Services for Holistic Healing and Awareness) educates the public in providing support to self-identified survivors of sexual assault free of charge.

Kansas Sexual and Domestic Violence Service Providers is your resource map per county in the state of Kansas.

MOCSA assist sexual violence victims, victims’ family and friends in Johnson, Wynadotte, Platte, Clay and Cass County.


3100 Broadway Suite 400

Kansas City, MO 64111

Phone Number:

816-561-0233 (crisis)

913-642-0233 (crisis)

Relay 711

Division of Crime Victims Compensation can assist victims who have been impacted by a violent crime (e.g. reasonable medical care, counseling, etc.)


121 SW 10th Avenue 2nd Floor

Topeka KS 66612


Application for Crime Victim Compensation

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Applications must be filed within five years of the incident with certain exceptions. In some circumstances, compensation may be awarded to victims if a claim is filed beyond the five-year period.  Cases of child sexual assault are based on the date the crime was reported to law enforcement.  It is the claimant’s responsibility to establish proof that the claim was filed timely pursuant to K.S.A. 74-7305.

2. Victim suffered bodily injury (including mental disorder or death) as a victim of a violent crime. Property crimes such as identity theft, fraud, or damage to property are not eligible.

3. The incident occurred in Kansas, or outside the United States to a Kansas resident.

4. The incident was reported to law enforcement officials within 72 hours, or a forensic medical examination was done within 7 days, or the board finds good cause for a delay in reporting or obtaining an exam.

5. The claimant (and/or victim) fully cooperated with law enforcement officials during their investigation and prosecution.

6. The victim was not an accomplice to and did not commit a crime in connection with this incident (e.g. gang activity, drug dealing.) Victim must not have provoked or caused the injury or death. Requirements 4, 5, and 6 do not apply to a victim of human trafficking who was 18 years old or younger at the time of the crime.


Victims Witness Services designed to assist victims as a liaison between law enforcement, prosecutors, community resources, families, criminal justice representees, employers and schools.

General Email:

General Advocate’s Email:


111 E 11th St

Lawrence KS. 66044

Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership commitment to assist in reducing violence against women (VAWA).  

Kansas Judicial Council provides resources and forms in obtaining or modifying protection orders.

Kansas Attorney General Resources  provides resources for intimate partner violence, safety planning, victim services, strangulation and intimate partner investigation checklists.

Kansas Victim Rights provides information regarding victim rights and services

Willow Domestic Violence Center proudly serves all survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking 24/7.

Family Promise of Lawerence  provides stability in housing.

Lawerence Community Shelter provides year-round emergency housing.



Legal Assistance

Douglas County Self Help

Douglas County Legal Aid Society offers no cost legal assistance in matters. Such as court-appointed juvenile and criminal defense, criminal record expungement, name changes, etc.


KU School of Law

1535 WE. 15th Street

Lawrence, KS 66045


Free or Low-Cost Kansas Legal Services

Kansas Bar Association

Holistic Offenders assists with misdemeanors in Douglas County District Court, or parents / caregivers of children with issues in the areas of landlord/tenant law, IEPs, or benefits denials

Address: 2518 Ridge Ct. #200

Lawrence KS. 66044 (Executive Director) 785-264-8684 (Client Advocate) 785-264-8684

Office of Tribal Justice assists with requests from Tribal Leaders for Indian Country legal and policy matters.

Small Claims Procedure 7th Judicial District- Douglas County District Court

(copy and paste entire link)


Note: Please check with your tribe to see if they provide legal representation


 Here you can find forms for victims’ compensation, grief therapy, protection order for stalking, sexual assault, abuse, and complaints.

Kansas Victim Services

Filing a Protection Order from Abuse-Blank Form  (copy and paste link)

Filing a Protection Order from Stalking or Sexual Assault-Blank Form (copy and paste link)

Victim Service Complaint Form

 Lawrence Police Department complaint form can be submitted via email, mail, and or hand delivered to:


4820 Bobs Billing Parkway


5100 Overland Drive

Lawrence, KS 66049

Email to:

Complaint form employee conduct:




City of Lawrence Equity and Inclusion Department

Office: 785-832-3414

Fax: 785-832-3405

Scan and email your written complaint to:

Farris Muhammad

Kalenna Coleman:

Kansas Attorney General Complaint Forms

Send Complaint to:

Kansas Attorney General’s Office

120 ASW 10th Ave

2nd Floor

Topeka, KS 66612-1597


Complaint against the Lawrence District Attorney’s Office/Victim Witness Services

Scan and email your written complaint to:

U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights:

Scan and email your written complaint to:

Registered Offenders should ensure they are registered at Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI). To complete a name or geographical search:

 If a link becomes inactive or needs to be updated.

Please contact your HINU Campus Coordinator at or 

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