
The College of Business offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with the choice of an emphasis in Management, Tribal Management, and Records and Information Management. The business curriculum provides a comprehensive introduction to general principles and practices for students considering a career in management.

Management: The management concentration is a traditional academic study of contemporary management practices and theories common to the management of human, financial, technical, natural, and other resources.

Tribal Management: The tribal management concentration offers the student an academic study of contemporary and historical issues that impact tribal governments.

Records and Information Management: Records management is the creation and organization of records for a department, company or other organization. As a records manager, you oversee the processes involved with the storage and retrieval of records and work to create efficiency and reliability in storage and filing systems.

Organizational records typically go through a life cycle – they are created, maintained for a certain period of time and eventually destroyed. Thus, as a records manager, you might also be responsible for designing processes for the orderly creation, maintenance, storage and destruction of business records. The records you deal with could include physical paper, electronic files, website content and database information.

Core Values

Respect – We value the American Indian and Alaska Native cultures, languages, and communities; honor ourselves and others; and treat everyone with integrity, tolerance, and dignity.

Commitment – We are dedicated to the success and growth of our students and our programs. We promote the willingness and responsibility to initiate ideas and solutions.

Sovereignty – We honor our past and gain insight into a future of self-determination and autonomy.

Vision Statement

The School of Business will be recognized nationally for graduating American Indian and Alaska Native students who distinguish themselves as managers and leaders in the business world and in their service to Indian Country.

Mission Statement

The School of Business provides an academically challenging learning environment, where students develop critical-thinking skills applicable to all areas of business and management, with an emphasis on teamwork, communication, leadership, and ethical decision making. Our students can take on leadership roles to meet the changing needs of today’s global and tribal environments.

College of Business Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand business and/or tribal organizational goal setting and development.
  2. Enhance the capacity to organize community resources to meet economic and business needs in ethical, sustainable, and creative ways.
  3. Develop leadership utilizing various culturally sensitive, collaborative, and innovative techniques.
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