Bachelors of Science Program

Are you ready to start on your journey…

All students wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration must seek acceptance at Haskell as a degree-seeking student and declare their major as Business Administration by submitting a Change of Major or Advisor form on the Registrar’s Office webpage.


All students wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration are encouraged to complete the business foundation courses listed below in their first 2 years:

  • ACCT 203 Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 204 Managerial Accounting
  • BUS 232 Business/Technical Writing
  • CIS 205 Information Processing Systems
  • ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics

Graduation Requirements

Students must have completed all concentration area courses and BUS 451 with a grade of “C” or better. Students are required to maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA for continued study and graduation. Failure to maintain the minimum grade point average may result in dismissal from the baccalaureate program in the School of Business. Students must be in good standing with the University to be eligible to graduate.

Click here for the Degree Checklist (Management Emphasis)

Click here for the Degree Checklist (Tribal Management Emphasis)

Click here for the Degree Checklist (Records and Information Management Emphasis)

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