Transcript Information

Official Transcript Request
Effective October 1, 2024 New Pricing

You now have Two (2) OPTIONS for requesting Official Haskell Indian Nations University Transcripts.


This site allows you to order Official Electronic or Paper Transcript.
Cost:  $6.90 per transcript (Note:  Cost could be more)

Method of Payment: Major Credit Card or Debit Card

This site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session. A processing fee will be charged per recipient.  Order updates will be texted/emailed to you. You can also track your order online.  The breakdown for the electronic transcript is $3.00 official transcript cost plus $3.00 processing fee plus $0.90 electronic PDF fee. Processing of official transcripts will occur within (one) 1 business day. Your credit card will only be charged after your order has been completed.


Through the Bursar’s Office you can order an Official Paper Transcript Only.
Cost:  $5.00 per transcript

Method of Payment: PayPal, Amazon Account, Debit or Credit Card, Savings/Checking Accounts and will be paid through website.

Payments for an official paper transcript are made online. Processing of official paper transcripts will occur within one (1) business day once the Office of the Registrar receives the payment from the Bursar Office.

**Please note where the official transcript will be mailed to in the comments area.

Also in the comments area, you can request a courtesy copy of your unofficial transcript. You will need to provide a mailing address or fax number for where the unofficial transcript is to be sent.


FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Section 

  • Do I have to pay for each individual paper transcript, or can I get as many as I want for $5.00?
    Official paper transcripts cost $5.00 each.
  • Can I request a paper or electronic transcript for someone else?
    Yes, you can order official paper or electronic transcripts for someone else but you will need to have a mailing address for the official paper transcript. If the person wants you to pick-up the official paper transcript, then you will need a Statement of Release. This release needs to be emailed to registrar@haskell.eduThe Statement of Release should be in the following format:

    • I (full name of person) give permission for (Full name of person paying for official transcript) to pick-up my official transcript.
      Signature of student requesting the transcript
  • What do I do if my transcript never arrives or is never delivered to the school/place I want?
    Please send an email to and let us know the name of the school/place that did not receive the official transcript. Haskell will verify with you if the mailing address is correct and will research if the official transcript has had time to reach the school/place. If the mailing address is correct and if the official transcript has had time to reach the school/place, Haskell will re-issue another official transcript free of charge.
  • Is it faster to get an unofficial transcript?
    Unofficial transcripts are courtesy (free of charge) when you purchase an official transcript. Current students do not have to purchase an official transcript for an unofficial transcript.


  • What if I cannot pay for a transcript?  Are there any kinds of waivers for this fee?
    Haskell is not able to provide waivers for official transcripts.


  • What if I have a discrepancy on my transcript?
    If you find a discrepancy on your official transcript, you will need to send a written statement to the Vice-President of Academics and explain the discrepancy. It is important to be very specific in identifying the issue.  Be sure to include details such as dates, semesters, instructor names, etc.  If you have supporting material to help support the correction of the discrepancy, you can send in copies.  Written requests for reviews should be sent to the following office:Office of the Vice-President of Academics
    Haskell Indian Nations University
    155 E Indian Ave., Box #5010
    Lawrence KS 66046


  • What if I left and have a Business/Bursar’s Hold?
    For more information regarding the hold please contact the Bursar’s Office by telephone at 785-832-6667 or 785-830-2780 or 785-749-8450.It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of the Registrar once you have cleared the hold. Please send an email to so your requested official transcript can be processed.
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