
Facilities Department

As a department the Facilities Management coordinates with the Office of Facilities Management and Construction to best ensure fulfillment of the University’s mission to be the best university for Native American students. Facilities Management performs regularly scheduled preventive maintenance tasks. Planning and implementation of future renovations, additions, construction, or contracts for projects through support programs. Facilities Management staff work to operate and maintain 317 acres and 40 buildings.

Units found within the Facilities Department

Maintenance and Construction Services
Responds to minor maintenance requests; provides preventive maintenance services; maintains, repairs and constructs facilities and infrastructure systems through the Office of Facilities Management and Construction (OFMC) and the trade services. The department manages resources from OFMC to perform maintenance, and repair and improvement work.

Grounds Services
Responsible for maintaining the grounds at the University.

Custodial Services
Maintains and cleans campus buildings for use by students, faculty, staff and the public. Custodial services department schedules the Pest Management services.

Environmental Management System (EMS)
Assists the University with compliance with Environmental Protection Agency. Safety The Safety Office is responsible for:


  1. Developing, instituting, and maintaining safety programs, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with both University policy and statutory requirements
  2. Reviewing and providing assistance to departments and areas to ensure that effective safety programs and safety teams are maintained
  3. Considering suggestions from the work force and recommending implementation where warranted
  4. Conducting inspections of University facilities at appropriate intervals to identify potential hazards and determining that procedures, equipment, and facilities meet accepted occupational health and safety standards
  5. Providing assistance in obtaining safety and health training as required by OSHA standards
  6. Implementation of the Safety and Health and Workers Compensation Programs for the University
  7. Investigating all accidents and near accidents and advising Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs of all reportable incidents; and handles all Employee and Tort claims.
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