ERDC-CERL Research Program

ERDC-CERL, research in support of management of cultural and natural resources of military lands is supported by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL)

This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is for multiple projects and multiple years, encompassing key areas of natural and cultural resources. This effort covers ERDC-CERL activities related to military land use, which includes energy efficiency and sustainability. For example, the previous research efforts on switchgrass could transition into projects involving straw bale construction of homes and/or temporary structures. Additional research may allow for support of summer student internships at ERDC-CERL in Champaign, Illinois.

Two of the main research opportunities include:
1) Research on the engineering properties of switchgrass in comparison with other grass species in straw bale construction.
2) Assistance in defining the relationship of disturbance caused by military equipment to the impact on soil infiltration.

Website Links:
ERDC-CERL Website (identification, products, publications & functions/services of ERDC-CERL)
International Straw Bale Building Registry Website
Straw Bale Construction Website

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Dan Wildcat
Haskell Indian Nations University, Sequoyah Hall, Rm. #129
Funding for ERDC-CERL is made possible by MOA-11-CERL-03 from the Engineer Research Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL)

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