Haskell Environmental Research Studies Program

HERS, Haskell Environmental Research Studies, provides the platform for various stages of support for programs of interest to American Indian/Alaska native communities, most recently focused on the affects of climate change on indigenous communities.

The underlying HERS program has two major missions—involvement of faculty from Native American colleges in long-term and short-term research relating to key hazardous substance problems on American Indian lands, and the dissemination of information through programs and various forms of media to American Indian peoples.

Topics Currently Being Researched:

  • The affects of climate change on various life-ways which Indigenous communities are dependent on.
  • The interconnectedness between wetlands resources–specifically soils, vegetation and water—and the disruption to ecosystems from wetlands disturbance.
  • The significance of sustainable gardening practices to Indigenous lifeways.

Website Links:
EPSCoR webpage
IGERT webpage

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Dan Wildcat
Haskell Indian Nations University, Sequoyah Hall, Rm. #129

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