K-INBRE Program

K-INBRE, Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, is a multi-disciplinary research network with a thematic scientific focus that will build, strengthen and integrate research in cell and developmental biology in the State of Kansas. K-INBRE helps to build and increase the research base and capacity by providing research support to Junior and Senior faculty, Postdoctoral Fellows and Graduate students at the participating institutions. Another part of the mission is to develop a seamless system for increasing the work force of biomedical researchers in the State of Kansas so as to serve as a “pipeline” for undergraduate students to continue in health research. Lastly, K-INBRE enhances science and technology knowledge of the Kansas work force by offering valuable interpretive services and supervising dissemination of information and expertise on enabling technologies, including genomics, proteomics and lipidomics.

K-INBRE is networked on the following nine campuses: Emporia State University (ESU), Fort Hays State University (FHSU), Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU), Kansas State University (KSU), Langston University (LU), Pittsburg State University (PSU), University of Kansas (KU), Washburn University (WU) and Wichita State University (WSU).

Five of those universities, including Haskell, are considered “outreach institutions.” Research conducted at outreach institutions must be in science, but is not restricted to biomedical research. Examples of research conducted at Haskell with KINBRE personnel include prairie grass ecology, horticulture, stream habitat assessment, streambank stability mapping and agronomy.

There are two avenues for Haskell students to participate in K-INBRE funded research:

1) Summer/Semester Scholar Program – Haskell students accepted into the program will be placed with a faculty mentor at any KINBRE university (listed above) to conduct research with the mentor on project(s) chosen by the mentor. Students work full time in the summer OR part time during the semester. Students are matched with faculty mentors based on research interest and faculty availability. Student living expenses and research expenses are covered, with any leftover funds going to the student. A total of $4,000 was available per student in 2012.

2) ENVS 480 – Undergraduate Research, ENVS 480, is an upper-level course offered at Haskell Indian Nations University. This course is proctored by KINBRE-funded faculty. The course may be taken for 1 to 3 credit hours, depending on the level of student involvement. Students may conduct their own independent research project, or may join a research group already conducting an externally-funded scientific project.

A Few More Items of Note:

  • KINBRE is networking all KINBRE campuses (listed above) so as to serve the needs of KINBRE investigators and their trainees for data mining and interpretation as well as training in investigational uses of Bioinformatics.
  • KINBRE will provide funding for training and mentoring through each university’s coordinator offices and programs on graduate and undergraduate education, providing support for recruiting prospective biomedical researchers (undergraduates, graduate students and faculty) and offering direction for their career development.
  • KINBRE will provide financial support for students or faculty in undergraduate education to work with a mentor on graduate degree-offering campuses (this does not include Haskell Indian Nations University).
  • Summer/Semester Scholar Program places undergraduates in research laboratories for a summer or academic semester so that undergraduates have opportunities to experience a research environment and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • Applications for the Summer/Semester Scholar program are due in late March/early April.
  • Application to ENVS 480 occurs during regular Haskell enrollment for classes.

Website Links:
K-INBRE Website

For more information, please contact one of the following:
Dr. Bridgett Chapin
HINU, Sequoyah Hall


Funding for KINBRE is provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for Research Resources for the purpose of improving the competitiveness of Kansas biomedical researchers for NIH support.


The Summer/Semester Scholar Program
How do I apply for the program? – Applications are due in late March or early April. Contact Dr. Bridgett Chapin for application materials.

Who is eligible? – Applicants to this program should be a Juniors or Seniors in good standing.

How are students matched with faculty mentors for the Summer/Semester Scholar program? – Students may ask for a specific mentor when filling out the application. Mentors should be contacted first for their willingness and availability.

What if I don’t know any faculty at the other universities who work in the area I’m interested in? – If a student cannot find a mentor on his/her own, the student should write his/her area of interest on the application form (e.g. diabetes research, cancer research, childhood diseases, bioinformatics, sustainable energy, botany, water resources, geology, etc.). K-INBRE staff will help find an appropriate mentor for that student.

How much will I get paid? – Funds are paid to the mentor for expenses related to having the student in the lab. Funds are also provided to the student to cover room and board. Additional funds are paid to the student only if there are funds leftover after these expenses are met. The total amount of funds available for each student is currently $4,000 per summer/semester.

If I don’t get paid a regular salary, why should I do this? – The Summer/Semester Scholar Program is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in laboratory and/or field research with top-notch researchers. Along with this experience, the student will gain faculty and graduate student contacts that will be invaluable when applying to graduate school or a job.

ENVS 480, Undergraduate Research
How do I apply for this program? – ENVS 480, Undergraduate Research, is a regularly-scheduled course offered at Haskell Indian Nations University. Students must get permission from the instructor to sign up for this course.

Who is eligible? – ENVS 480 is intended for upper level undergraduate students who have previously taken introductory biology, chemistry and ecology.

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